chapter 67

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I do as am told and call the hospital , it's not like I have a choice.

" Good!  " Now it's time for you to call Vee, " Lisa says but i hesitate.

" You know we are basically playing nice right now ," Stacy says as the two men help her up. "I could kill vee right now if i wanted to just by a snap of my finger, but we are giving you a chance to save her. Would you rather be without her or have her dead Alex! You know that she's pregnant.. Don't be so heartless Alex. "

" What the fuck happened to me? " George says slowly getting up, his hand on the back of his head." My head hurts like hell! "

" Merghan hit you on the head with a bat, but the good news is that you are going to live, " Stacy says.

" Alex!  What are you doing here? " he says his eyes wide open looking at me before looking around . " So.. You guys went ahead with your plans? "

" Yap! " That's Merghan.

" Am sorry Alex.. I tried to warn you but you didn't pick up your phone.  I swear am not in this with them." George says.

" I know."

" Look Alex..." George says nervously." Am really sorry for everything. I know i acted like a jerk , and I should have accepted the fact that Vee fell in love with you and not me."

" It's okay George.. Am glad you are finally back to your senses. "

" Awww.... So touchy!"Stacy says sarcastically rolling her eyes . "I'd like to get back to business please, If you are both done with this stupid reunion."

"Don't do anything they ask you to Alex, Vee is going to be fine, " George says.

"No she won't George, Call her Alex! "

" Don't!"

"What the fuck is your problem! And why are you so confident George or  are you hiding something from us? " Stacy asks looking at him curiously.

" I guess we'll just have to find out. "

"Tell me what is it you are hiding or I swear am going to shoot you, " Stacy say grabbing a gun from one of her men and points it at him.

This girl has completely lost it?

" Kill me if you want but am saying nothing! "

" Okay.. Your wish is my command, " she says cocking the gun.

" Stop Stacy, this is not part of the plan, " Merghan says getting in the way.

" He betrayed us! "

" We don't know that yet! For all we know he might just be bluffing just to scare us. Put away the gun, you know i won't let you harm him. "

"Don't be stupid Merghan. This guy doesn't give a hoot about you! He's still loves Vee and thats why he's protecting her."

" I know.....but i still won't let you harm him. "

"Urgh.... Enough of this already!" Lisa says glaring at both of them. " Let's get back to what brought us here. Alex.. call her now! "

" You know that even after I do everything you ask, you'll all still end up in jail,right? "

" You'll have to catch us first, and don't worry. As long as Vee is far away from you.. I'll live peaceful, even if it's in jail, " Stacy says,dialing a number on her phone and puts it on loud speaker. " It's either you call Vee or shit goes down! "

" Hello.. do we do it now.. I can't wait anymore.. This chick is so hot! " A guy says from the other end and I tremble from the inside.

" Okay.. I say swallowing deeply. "I'll do it."

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