chapter 14

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" Hey vee, wake up, " I hear someone call me from afar and am not sure if am dreaming or not.

I groan as i turn the other side making myself more comfortable.

" Vee wake up or you'll be late for work."


I wake up as quickly as i can and find  Maya  glaring at me.  She's still in her zebra printed pajamas and it looks like she just woke up. Looking at her, I can tell that she is still upset with me.

"What time is it ."

" It's 6.27 in the morning," she says and am off the bed and rushing to the bathroom, within seconds.

What the fuck happened to my alarm?

I stayed up most of last night crying myself silly. I was so overwhelmed by everything that happened last night that I only got to sleep in the early morning.

Am usually  almost half done with my cleaning by now and am praying so hard that I don't loose my job because of this.

After am finished getting dressed, I call Angela my co worker hoping that she's going to help me out.

I've helped her out alot in the two months that I've worked in the company , since she's a single mother and mostly gets to work late waiting for her nanny to arrive.

" Morning Angie, "

" Morn vee ,what's up. "

" Am kind of late today and I need you to cover for me," I grab my shoes and put them on.

" Am sorry vee but that is impossible right now. "

" What! why?!," I ask as i wave  at Rita and Maya ,and out  the door I go.

" Sammy is sick today and am not going to work. I already called in sick, am sorry I can't help you ."

" It's okay. I hope Sammy gets well soon, bye."

" Bye. "

I hang up and stop a taxi hopping in . The next bus will be here at seven and there was no way I'd wait that long.

" You are almost an hour late!  Thats Cherry the receptionist.

" Am sorry."

" Just make sure you are done by eight before the bosses get here," She says and I nod rushing to the dressing room.

I start cleaning as  fast  as possible and within an hour am done.

" Violet wait, " Cherry calls out walking towards as am about to return the cleaning equipments."Am really sorry I forgot to tell you  this but since  Angela isn't in, today  you are going to have to clean the main office. You only have Twenty minutes to do it before the she devil gets here so you have to hurry. "

" What she devil? "I ask curiously.

" There's no time to  answer that question right now, get going, " she says gesturing me to walk.

Wow! I cant help but gasp when I walk in the office. I've actually never been here before and my mouth is wide open as i look around Awed by the beauty of my surrounding. The office is almost bigger than my one bedroom apartment. I mean, who would need an office this huge?

The ornaments and furniture are all modern, in black and white colours.

There is a huge black. Leather couch at the end of the room and a glass table, which looks extremely expensive. there's also a large glass window that views the city and it's so damn amazing!

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