chapter 32

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" Maya, " vee mumbles in her sleep  twisting uncomfortably  and that wakes me up.

" Shhh, " I say stroking her cheek. " Maya is fine, Go back to sleep now. "

Her face is kind of disturbed and her breathing is kind of fast. Am sure that she's having another nightmare and so  I hold her closer kissing her forehead and surprisingly my heart beat picks up a little bit just by the feel of her skin on my lips and my body gets all excited.

Why am I getting excited.

She  instantly adjust herself resting in my hold,drifting back to sleep.

I look over my shoulder to look at the alarm on the night stand and it's a minute past five in the morning. I look back at vee who's sleeping peacefully now ,her hand around my my torso and I just can't help but smile.

I wasn't planning on spending the night with her but I guess I was kind of tired too, and ended up dozzing off but am not complaining. Tonight has been by far the best I've slept in a while.

I  find myself watching vee and listening to her breathing, which is back to normal now. I observe  her for a while, studying her face. She's  looks  so pretty even when sleeping and is making this cute snoring sound that makes me smile every time.

One thing that I've come to know about vee is that she's got the eyes of innocence, the face of an angel,  a personalty of a dreamer and a smile that hides more pain than you can ever imagine.

She tries to hide her pain in her strong character ,something that I learnt the other day, when I made her cry.  I've always seen her as bold and strong and sincerely speaking, seen tears in her eyes that day tore my heart a little.

I saw a new side of her that I had never seen before and that made me understand her a little better. I was a jerk for judging her unjustly and I feel like life's giving me a chance to make up for all the wrong that I did to her,a chance which am gladly taking.

I have this crazy urge to protect her now especially after what happened with Mike. Seeing her lying on his bed almost naked and helpless made my insides boil with rage. That crazy guy would be dead by now if it wasn't for Nick,after the beating I gave him.

I still can't believe he had the guts to do that to her , especially now that she's already stressed out over her sister. I really never liked him but I never thought that he'd stoop this low just to have her.

I was so stupid to think that she was using Ava to get to me. The fact that she took her in and protected her should have been enough for me to see the real her but i just had to mess up! Am surely going g to pay back the favour by protecting her and her sister. Am going to show her that am not the rude arrogant guy she thinks I am, mostly for Ava.

I can tell that Ava is truly in love with the two sisters even after knowing them for a few weeks and why wouldn't she be, after Maya literally took a bullet for her!

It's now almost 6.30 and I slowly get of the bed so as not to wake vee. I'd have loved to miss work today but i cant since I've been absent for the past two days.

In Twenty minutes am already showered and just when am getting dressed, my phone rings.

It's mum.

Am sure she's calling to scold me.

" Hi mum, goodmorning," I say picking up.

" Morning Alex, What happened?  Why haven't you been to work and why didn't you tell me that you are already back at your apartment? " Is everything okay? " she starts bombarding me with questions and I notice  uneasiness in her voice.

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