chapter 49

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I walk up to my room and go straight to bed, throwing myself on it. I can't believe that this is happening to me? Why can't she be with me if she loves me?!

I know that she's hiding something from me, I can see the fear clear in her eyes. I just wish she'd trust me enough to tell me ,whatever it is.

I know I've only known her for a short while, but am so crazy about her that if the situation were to call for it, I would sacrifice myself for her.

Why can't she see that?

I've actually never been rejected, and it hurts so damn much! Am trying to be as calm and cool as I possibly can, but I feel like am dying in the inside.

But there's no way am giving up on her!

The fact that she loves me gives me strength enough to wait until she ready.

Patience is a virtue, right?

I'll find a way to make her trust and love me enough to want to be with me.

As am busy thinking of a way to get Vee to open up to me my phone rings and Ava's name flashes on the screen.

" Hi Ava, what's up? " I answer.

" Nothing much, just wondering where you and Vee are?"

" We are actually at our new home. "

" What new home? Wait.. Did you guys move out without me? " she asks faking surprise and I smile despite myself.

" You know that will never happen. Anyway ,I'll explain everything to you later. "

" Okay.. I just called to tell you that Lisa came over to see you. "

" Lisa? What does she want from me Now? "

" Am not sure,i didn't give her time to explain but she said she'd be back tomorrow ."

" Thank goodness we are moving out tomorrow! "

" I know right? Anyways, when will you guys be home? "

" We wont be long. "

" I actually think you should take your time and try to sought out your issues. I don't like how you two are acting around each other lately ."

" Believe me when I tell you that am working on that," I say letting out a sigh.

" Okay.. Bye. "

" Bye, " I say and hang up.

I lay back on the bed facing up, and stare at the ceiling. Moments later I hear a knock on the door and I turn my head to see Vee peeping.


" Hey, is it alright if I come in? "I ask as he sits up on his bed.

" Of course, " he says raising his eyebrows.

" Why would you even ask that? " he asks watching me as i close the door and walk towards him.

" I just thought.. "

" What? " he say cutting in. " You thought that i was mad and I'd treat you differently after what happened?! Don't be silly Vee, " he says shaking his head. "

I've actually thought everything out and decided that I won't let anyone take away the chance I've been given to be happy again. Not my uncle, not my past and not even myself.

I will no longer feel guilty for something that I had no control over. I wont let the only guy that I've ever loved slip right through my fingers. Peter already destroyed my past but I certainly won't let him interfere with my present.

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