chapter 62

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Alex freezes for a second, trying to take in what I just said. " Okay.., " he says his voice laced with fear." Stay put, I'll go get the doctor."

Before he can get off the bed, I hold his hand and he looks at me confusion clear on his face. He looks kind of scared, and is looking deep in my eyes as if trying to figure out what am thinking.

I didn't think that he'd be this affected and I can't keep up the act anymore.

" Hey, am sorry, " I say my hands on his cheek." I was  just kidding...  you should see your face right now, you look so scared, " I say trying my best not to laugh.

He's still confused and staring at me as if I've gone mad.

He finally smiles shaking his head and let's out a sigh. "Really?! " he asks lowering his brows at me. "You are really crazy! how could you do that to me? You dont know how scared I was. You forgetting me, is the worst thing that can ever happen to me. "

" You think I can ever forget you? " I ask intertwining our fingers. " You are unforgettable Alex. "

" I know ,right ?" he says with a wink making me smile. " Don't ever do that again! You really got me there !"

" I know.. Your face was so pale, and you looked like you were about to pass out! " I say laughing , as he glares at me.

" That was not funny, " he says trying his best not to laugh but fails miserably. "Am glad to see you are well enough to make crazy jokes. One of this days, I'll get you back, " he says through his laughter.

" Let's see you try, " I say with a smirk looking at him.  How is Maya doing?  Is she awake yet? "

" Yes, she's awake and doing great."

" And.. What happened to Peter and Mike? "

" Peter is no more, and all his accomplices are in jail. Mike is still alive but in a critical condition. The doctors aren't sure if he's going to make it."

" Mike saved my life, you know, " I say and Alex looks at me in disbelief.

"Really?! How did that happen? "

"I kind off pissed Peter off and he was about to shoot me, but Mike knocked the gun out his hands. He was shot trying to get the gun away from Peter. If it wasn't for him, I'd be the one fighting for my life right now. "

"Am glad he saved you, but he actually got what he deserved. He made his bed and now he's laying on it, so there's no need to feel sorry for him. "

" You are right, anyway, thank you for saving me and my sister.You are my hero, and by far the best thing that ever happened to me. "

" No.. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and there's no need to thank me. You know I've got your back any day, any time. "

" I love you, " I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.

" Really?" he asks creasing his brows. " That's all your hero gets, after you almost gave me a heart attack?! "

I smile at him, tugging his face down  and bite his lower lip, before capturing his lips with mine

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer, deepening the kiss as I hook my arms around his neck.  He kisses me slowly, and smoothly without a hurry and it feels amazing!

His lips are so soft against mine and they taste like heaven. They have become my addiction and I don't think I can ever get enough of them.

" You two should get a room, " Maya says from the door as Alex breaks the kiss with a groan.

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