chapter 33

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Shit! I say sitting up the bed. I've just woken up and I have this crazy pounding headache.


What kind of drugs did that idiot give me? Was he trying to kill me or something?!

I get off the bed but feel dizzy the second I stand and so I decide to sit back down for a while. I take this moment to look around and scan the room which is decorated so beautifully.

There's a fusion of style and influence  that gives this bedroom a comforting vibe. The oversized headboard is the main focal point of its decor, setting the tone for a color palette based on neutrals.

A few hints of gold and yellow add a chic and modern hint to the place .There are also this huge bay windows at the corner with two chairs on each side, forming a very cozy sitting area, while also allowing natural light to the room.

It's as if this space has its own balcony but inside. It's just gorgeous! and I bet the whole house looks  just as amazing.

I'd never imagined that I'd ever step foot in Alex's house, let alone his bedroom! It's so crazy!

Who would have thought that I'd even end up spending a night with him. Am not sure if he's just putting on an act with me but I sure hope  not. Am already tired of everyone stabbing me in the back and I truly don't feel like I have enough strength to fight, right now.

I slowly stand and walk to a room which I presume is the bathroom and step in . I wash my face and stare at myself in the mirror for a while thinking of how unlucky I am.

Am very confused not sure of what I'll do next. I just wish Maya  get's better soon. She is the one that gives me strength to move on and fight all the battles.

She's my motivation.

I can't believe that am now officially homeless, again after working my ass off, for over four years! Anyway, if I have to start over again I will, for my sister. I surely hope I still have my job at the law firm, after missing work  yesterday, with no explanation. I plan to pass by before heading to the hospital.

I walk out of the bathroom just to find some of my clothes and a tooth brush neatly arranged on the bed. Am sure that Rita did this, she's so thoughtful.

I have a quick shower and after getting dressed walk out of the room. Am not familiar with the place and so I walk slowly my eyes scanning for any kind of exit. I smile to my self when I spot the stairs and head towards them.

Rita is busy in the kitchen,when I get down stairs. She's so distracted, that she nearly drops a cup, when I call out to her.

" Oh my God Vee, " She says her palms against her chest. " You nearly gave me a heart attack! "

" Am really sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, " I say apologetically and watch as she calms down. I really did startle her!

" It's okay. "

" What are you thinking about that got you so distracted."

" Nothing, Don't worry about it," she says wiping off her hands. " Am glad you are up..... You look much better now. "

" Yeah,  I have to go to the law firm and ask for some days off. "

" Okay, am coming with you but after you have your breakfast."

" No thank you ,Am okay....

" I wasn't asking vee, " she says taking my hand and leading me to the dinning table. " Whether you like it or not, you have to eat something. I'll be taking care of you until Maya is back."

She hands me a cup of coffee and places some pancakes ,eggs, bacon and sausages in front of me and i look at her my eyes wide open.

" I hope you  don't expect me to eat all this ?!"

" I actually do, " She says sitting next to me. " You haven't had a good meal since God knows when!"

I open my mouth to say something but  the look she's giving me, makes me shut it.

" Now eat up," she says feeding me some pancakes and I can't help but roll my eyes. She's treating me like a child! "So how was your night?" I hope Alex didn't bother you? "

"No, it's hard for me to believe but he was surprisingly..... sweet."

" That's Good. He's a very sweet guy, if you get to know him. "

" Yeah, okay," I say not really convinced. " I've been meaning to ask, why does your family call you Ava and not Rita? "

" Ava is actually my first name. I only decided to use the name Rita since I was on the run and not many people know it. "

" Okay. "

Am full after some minutes and Rita excuses herself to freshen up, since she insisted on going with me to the firm and the hospital.

As am busy clearing the table the door bell rings and I get it. A very pretty, middle aged woman is standing outside gazing at me, and I can tell she's shocked to see me. she's stiffly slim,her  hair long and silky and her skin is glowing. She also has this gorgeous eyes, wait,  her eyes are so similar to Alex's.

Could she be his mother?

" Who are you and what are you doing here? " she asks looking me up and down. " Wait..." she says before I can answer. " You must be the girl that Alex was telling  me about. "

He told her about me?

Maybe he did tell her about my situation and that he was letting me stay here, right? She's his mother after all and according to Rita they are kind of close.

" Yes I am."

" Am Alicia, Alex's mum. It's nice to finally meet you. " she says a smile on her face as she gives me a hug.

Okay..... I wasn't expecting that at all.

" Uumh... my name is violet and it's nice to meet you to. " I say as soon as she pulls back from the hug.

" You are so beautiful. My son sure has good taste, " she says scanning me from my head to my toe. " How's my grandchild doing?  I hope you are taking good care of yourself. "

" Grandchild? " I ask confused.

What is she talking about ?!

" Yes, my grandchild. Alex already told me about your pregnancy and the fact that he's in love with you."

Alex's, In love with me!

Okay..... Am completely lost now.

"I really don't know what you are talking about, " I say nervously.

" Don't be nervous, and no need trying to hide it, " She say taking my hand. " I already like you and I just can't wait for my grandchild to be born, " she says excitedly.

It's hard believing, this is the same woman that made Rita's life unbearable and what makes her think that am Alex's girlfriend and that am pregnant ?

"Am Sorry but I am not......

" Mum?!  Rita calls out before i could clear the confusion.

Alicia, turns her head and looks at her very coldly. If looks could kill, Rita would be six feet under by now.

" I am not your mother,
!" Alicia says her voice hostile.

That kind of catches me off-guard and I can't help but think, what happened to the sweet woman who was here just seconds ago.

" Can you please leave us alone." She says looking at me and i turn to look at Rita who's all nervous, waiting for her approval.

" It's okay vee, I'll be fine, " she says.

I  head upstairs, hoping that she'll be fine .


Hi guys

Hope you are enjoying so far and please don't forget to vote and comment. It really motivates me when  you do that.

Byee, I wish you all a beautiful day. 😘

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