chapter 26

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" Don't worry vee, your sister is going to be alright. You know she's a fighter, just like you." That's Mike trying to cheer me up.

We are still in his car on our way to the hospital and am still in shock and all that am thinking now, is that i can not loose my sister!

Haven't we been through enough already?! Why does trouble always seem to follow me everywhere I go?!

I must have done something really bad in my past life to deserve all this.

The only person who would have the motive to hurt her is Peter. Am sure he wants to get rid of us, so that he can have everything to himself. That's the only conclusion that I can come up with right now. I knew that he would find us but I didn't expect it to be this soon.

I swear if anything happens to Maya, am going to skin him alive myself !

" Hey, are you okay? Your hands are really shaky, "Mike asks.

" Are you kidding me?! Do you expect me to be fine when my one and only sister is lying in a hospital bed, fighting for her life?! I want to yell at him but i don't. I know he's just looking out for me like I was supposed to do for my sister but I failed, big time.

" Am fine," I manage to say ,lying through my teeth. I didn't even realize that my hands were trembling.

Am in so much pain right now, that am not even sure how to express it. A pain that is destroying every inch of my body. A pain that literally makes my head ache and my stomach cramp and my lungs unable to breathe.

A lot of shitty things have already happened to me over the course of my life and in this moment, I guess, am sadly not surprised.

I was so stupid to think that after moving to the city and leaving everything that happened behind, all was going to be fine. I actually almost got there .To that place, someone where over the rainbow, where the skies are blue. That place I'd longed for after my parents death but he just had to come and destroy everything again!

We arrive at the hospital, and go straight to the reception . After asking about Maya , we are directed to the emergency room which is down the end of the hall and waste no time getting there.

Maya is still in surgery and we have no choice but to wait. Am a nervous wreck, pacing back and forth and I swear I'd give anything for all this to be a fucking nightmare. Mike is still with me trying his best to keep me calm .

I haven't seen Rita since we got here and I wonder where she could be.

" How is she?" Nick asks walking towards us.

" We don't know yet, they are still operating on her," Mike replies.

The doctor comes out almost two hours later and I rush to him, bombarding him with questions.

" The surgery was successful, but she's still not out of danger yet. The bullet was so close to her heart and it's a miracle, she's still alive.She is in a coma and the next few hours are very critical. All we can do now is wait and pray," he says and i instantly loose my balance. Nick is quick to hold me, preventing me from falling.

I can't feel my legs, my arms or my body. Am completely numb !

She's in a coma?! Some people take forever to come out of a coma and others don't even make it!

" I know you are worried but your sister has already proven to be a fighter," The doctor continues. "Am sure she'll be fine.

" Can I see her, " I ask my voice desperate.

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