chapter 66

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I drive as fast as I can and in about thirty five minutes am outside the building  Lisa is at.

George has been trying to call me on my way here, which is very strange since we haven't seen or talked to each other in more four months now!

I wonder what he wants?!

Maybe he heard about the wedding and is calling to throw a tantrum but anyway ,I didn't answer , since I was driving and in a hurry. But whatever it is can wait till am done with Lisa.

When I get to the apartment,the door in unlocked. I slightly push it open and walk in. I find Lisa  lying on the sofa, facing up, and groaning in pain. I rush over to her and kneel beside her.

Her belly is pretty much visible now, since she's six months pregnant.

" Thank God you are here, " she say almost breathlessly." I wasn't sure you'd come. "

"Stop talking nonsense! How are you doing now? " I ask.

" The  bleeding seems to  have minimized but am still in so much pain!" she says trying to sit up but I hold her down.

" Don't try to get up, the ambulance will be here soon."

" What? You called for an ambulance? " she asked kind of shocked.

" Of course I did! " I say narrowing my brows at her. " That was the first thing you should have done before calling me, and what are you even doing here?  The doctor said you shouldn't be moving around too much, remember? "

" So the ambulance is on its way right now? " she asks nervously, ignoring my question.

" Yes it is. "

" Am sorry but I lied Alex.. Nothing is wrong with me or the baby. I just missed you and wanted to see you so badly!" She says sitting up, while I try to take in what she just said.

" Are you serious right now?! " I ask staring sharply at her in disbelief. " What the fuck is wrong with you?"

" Am sorry...., " she says grabbing my hand, but I pull it away from her." Everything am about to do is all for our own good ," she continues and before I even understand what she just said,two huge muscular men,walk in dragging George with them, followed by Stacy and Merghan.

George is uncouncious.

What the hell is going on here?

" Stacy!... What the hell have you done to George and.. What's happening?" i ask as i watch the two guys drop George on the floor.

" Don't worry.. Your friend, or should I say ex friend, will be fine, " she says walking towards me. " He's just uncouncious.. Anyways, did you miss me? "

" Miss you? I already forgot that you even existed Stacy!" I say with a smirk " If you girls are done with whatever shit you are planning, I'll leave now, " I say walking towards the door.

" Okay.. " Stacy says. "You can leave if you want, no one will stop you, but  the second you step foot out that door, the only person who won't be existing, is your Vee, " she says making me turn to look at her.

" What are you talking about?" i ask walking over to her angrily. " I swear if you dare hurt Vee, I will kill you right here, right now, and I fucking mean it Stacy! "

" No one has to die Alex.. If you do as we tell you,"Lisa says and I glare at her.

The nerve of this girl!  She's lucky she's pregnant or I would have slapped some sense into her!

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