Chapter 33 - Wings

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You and Taehyung met with the king later that evening. At least, you assumed it was evening, anyways, since there was no way to tell time directly in the Den of Sirens.

There was a solemn air in the Den, as if the walls itself knew there had been a great loss. When you stopped and looked towards the caverns above, you could hear snippets of sirens grieving their lost companions, and you had to fight the urge to cry with them. You didn't know why you wanted to grieve with them. You had never met the sirens before. It shouldn't have affected you the way that it was.

Also, you didn't know why it had never occurred to you that the spiritual world would feel grief.

Taehyung and you were escorted to the throne room. The rosy lake in the center of the room gave a beautiful soft glow to the room, but it didn't hide the pain of the people in it. The king was still pale when you came to meet him, no doubt still in grief over his lost sirens. Despite his obvious pain, he greeted you with a warm smile.

"You're both still with us," the king said to you and Taehyung. "That means your curse can be reversed."

The king stood but wobbled off-balance. Yoongi and Hoseok both grabbed one of his arms, holding him up as he steadied himself.

"This is hardly the time to celebrate," Yoongi muttered with a sigh. "We should be grieving our losses."

"Yes, perhaps," Hoseok said, calmer than usual, "but we also need to give our people something to celebrate in such a dark time."

King Namjoon raised his hands to tell both his men to stand back. They did as commanded, and he stepped forward towards you. Part of you wanted to reach out and hug him... but logically it wasn't appropriate.

"Seokjin," King Namjoon called behind you. "Can you come and tell us about their curses?"

You turned to look at Seokjin, not realizing he had been there the whole time. He acknowledged the king with a nod, then made his way over to you and Taehyung. He came to you first, grabbing your arm and sliding your shirt sleeve up your elbow. The sensation of his fingers sliding up your skin made you jump, and you pulled your arm back.

"What are you doing?" you accused.

He puffed out some air. "Reading your history. It's written on your arm."

You looked at your skin. There was nothing there.

"No, it isn't," you replied.

"You can't see it," Seokjin said. "Only I can."

He stared at you, holding out his hand so you would give him your arm again. You shook your head, not wanting to give in so easily.

"Read Taehyung first," you said with a scowl.

He dropped his hand in annoyance, but then gave an amused smile. "Have it your way. I hope you enjoy the show."

He went to Taehyung, pulling back Taehyung's sleeve and looking closely at his arm. Taehyung shifted his feet slightly, swallowing as Seokjin analyzed his arm.

"Hmm..." Seokjin hummed. "Interesting."

"What does the reading say?" King Namjoon asked.

"He's lived about seven lives," Seokjin said. "Most of them were short; too short to redeem himself fully. But it seems his suffering has cleansed his sins."

"And what sins would they be?" the king asked.

Seokjin met Taehyung's eyes, waiting for a moment as if Taehyung was going to object. He didn't.

"Adultery," Seokjin said casually. "Taehyung was found guilty of stealing at least half a dozen human women from their husbands."

You choked. "You mean that he --"

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