Chapter 35 - Demons

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You wished you could have seen the stars from the Den of Sirens. You really needed something to wish on.

It was the second night that you had short, dreamless sleep. You sat on the edge of your bed, alone, wondering what you should do.

If you asked for your wings, you would have to leave your life behind. You would have to take on the responsibility of judging humanity, sorting the good from the evil. You would have to possibly sentence men to die, ripping them away from their families and futures. And you would have to leave your father... he would age alone, without a soul to help him.

But, if you had your wings... you might be able to save the crew from their fate.

Nearly shaking from lack of sleep and hunger, you jumped from your bed and started towards the courthouse. The trial was not for another few hours, but you couldn't stand the sight of the walls anymore. Maybe if you went early, you could find the king and --

A gentle hand tugged on your arm.

"Y/N?" Taehyung asked, his eyes full of concern. "What's wrong?"

In your sleepless daze, you lost your balance, but Taehyung caught you before you stumbled. Your shaking only increased, and Taehyung rubbed your arms as if he was trying to warm you up.

"Y/N?" he asked again.

"I can't stand it, Taehyung," you admitted. "I can't stand being powerless and powerful at the same time."

"What are you talking about?"

You swallowed, trying to put your thoughts together. "If I get my wings, I lose my father. If I reject my wings, I lose you, Jimin, and Jungkook."

His eyes turned bitter in a moment, but his touch remained gentle. He brought his hand to your face, dusting stray strands of hair from your forehead.

"You'll never lose me," he said. "And the crew is damned whether or not you have your wings. You can't change their fates."

"But I would have the power to try."

"No," he said firmly. "Every human heart must decide its own fate - to be cursed or to be saved. The sirens judge their hearts, but we don't affect the outcome. If we were to tamper with the verdict, we would be cursed again."

The tension in your muscles released as if they had given up along with your spirit. Taehyung held you with sympathy, even though you knew he didn't feel the same way you did.

"I know you hate them," you said.

"I do. And so should you. They kidnapped you --"

"I know."

"They threatened your life, your father's life, and used you for their own benefit."

"Yes, I know."

"They were planning to use you to steal the Eros, disrupt the spiritual world, and get money. And you're still crazy enough to want and protect them? Why are you being so ridiculous?"

"Because I can see their hearts!" you yelled back. "And so can you!"

 "And so can you!"

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