Ch 39 - Tame

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"Stop taking your shirt off in front of me," Y/N snapped, folding her arms across her chest but not actually looking away.

I whipped the shirt off for extra emphasis. "You're the one who jumped out of a siren suite. This is your own fault. Get used to it."

I changed into a pullover shirt, throwing the previous shirt in the corner of the room. I hated how physically exhausting it was to extract a demon. It was soaking sweat into all my shirts.

I glanced over to check Y/N's aura. I couldn't hold back my laughter when I saw that she was both attracted and annoyed at the same time. She was pretending not to look at me through the corner of her eye, but I could tell that she was. For a siren, she was quite awkward around men.

"I don't know why jumping out of a room means I have to share a room with you," she eventually replied.

"I can lock you in one of the cells with the demons if you'd like. It'd be easier to keep track of you, anyways."

"And where do you expect me to sleep, exactly?" She pointed to the bed. "There's only one bed here."

I stepped in close to her. "We only need one."

Her aura switched to attraction and fear at the same time. I bit back a smile. She was getting more and more fun to play with.

"Y-you're joking," she stuttered.

"Since when do I joke?"

"That's a fair point."

I leaned in closer until she backed down and slowly sat on the bed. Her aura became genuinely nervous, so I decided to stop being an ass.

"We only need one bed," I whispered, "because I'm going to sleep on the floor."

I pulled back and let her breathe for a moment. I tried not to laugh as the color rushed out of her skin.

"How long do I have to stay here?" she asked.

"Until it's time to take you home," I replied. "I made a promise to your family. I intend to keep it."

"I thought you said you weren't coming for me?"

She folded her arms again, her aura a bit...sad?

I huffed. "You want to marry my father that badly?"

She shifted on the bed, her sad aura getting stronger. She didn't answer me, but she didn't have to.

"Is he kind?"

Her words echoed in my head. They had ever since that night.

I had wanted her to be twisted, sinful, and greedy. I wanted to find reasons to dislike her or make her my enemy.

But she wasn't... and I couldn't.

Her biggest sins were that she was too pure and too damn foolish.

"Decide what you want to do," I said eventually. "I'll do my best to take care of it."

I didn't look at her, but I could feel her head turn towards me.

"Why would you do that?" she asked.

I shrugged. "There's no point in making everyone suffer if no one wants this arrangement. Not to mention, your soft spot for the pirate captain is quite obvious."

She laughed ironically. "You said it yourself: it's just a spell."

"For him. Not for you."

Our eyes met for a brief moment, but she looked away. Her aura didn't change at all, refusing to show me her true feelings.

Or maybe I was looking at them this entire time and just not accepting them for what they were.

"Why are you doing this for me?" she asked. "I thought you hated me."

I took a long breath. Perhaps the truth wasn't out of order.

"You're a siren," I said. "And I don't want the spiritual realm anywhere close to my family. It's already done enough damage."

I blinked hard, as if I was watching my mother disappear into the light of the afterlife all over again. I didn't think I had my back turned for so long until Y/N's hand came to my shoulder. I turned to face her, her eyes and aura full of sympathy.

"I want to know more of your story," she said.

I put a hand on top of her head to stop her, uncomfortable with her sudden affection. 

"Still trying to bond with me, eh dear mother?" I asked.

The nickname tasted sour this time. I didn't want to call her that. I didn't want her to be part of my family. Not like this.

I thought of her in the light of the bathhouse... the way her skin felt on my fingertips as I teased her about her obvious interest in me. Even if her rose aura hadn't given it away, the look in her eyes that night did. I couldn't let her pursue that interest.

I was starting to wonder how much I'd let her pursue... and how long it would take me to eventually respond.


Hey, Tigers! I'm still adjusting to the Seoul life. This small-town girl is not a fan of crowded places. Unfortunately, my apartment doesn't have AC or internet at the moment, so I'm basically behind in everything. Haha. 

Meanwhile, if you're looking for some tips on writing, make sure to look up my new series on creative writing! Here's video #2 in the series.

There's also a free workbook and a blog post to go with it. Check out the description in the video for more details!

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