Chapter 18 - Rescue

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"Prepare cannons!" Jimin yelled.

The men went to their stations, pulling their swords in anticipation. In organized chaos, everyone went to their posts, preparing for the worst. There was a face you didn't see, however.

You rushed to Jungkook's room, throwing the door open. He looked up from his desk, raising an eyebrow.

"Get your ass out here and be captain!" you yelled.

He grunted and stood from his desk. "What the hell --"

"Pirates," Jimin said over your shoulder, making you jump.

"Pirates?" you asked. "Aren't you --"

You stopped, remembering Jimin's response to the word pirate the last time you said it.

"Real pirates," Jimin replied after you had stopped. "The kind of no honor and no mercy."

He looked at Jungkook, his eyes burning. Jungkook sighed.

"Then let's go defend your precious king," Jungkook snarled back. "And the ship I stole from him."

Jungkook grabbed a knife and headed out the door.

"Taking a knife to a sword fight?" Jimin asked as you both followed him.

Jungkook turned, opening his coat pocket to reveal a pistol and a small collection of throwing knives.

"These are all I need," he replied.

He rushed on deck, the wind whipping through his hair as his eyes darkened. You and Jimin followed, looking at the ship as it came closer and closer to yours.

"It's going to hit us!" you cried.

"That's the idea," Jimin replied.

"Don't let them see you bleed, gentlemen," he said, flicking his knife with his wrist. "Give them the proper welcome. Allow no survivors. Understand?"

The crew cheered. Jimin stood silent beside you, watching his brother.

Jungkook took off towards the bow, jumping onto the ledge as he watched the enemy ship. The ship wasn't quick but it was sailing straight towards you, its sails looming as tall as yours in the moonlight.

Not looking away from the ship, Jungkook pointed straight at you. "Get her someplace safe."

Jimin grabbed your arm, but you stopped him.

"What are you doing?" you asked. "I can help, can't I?"

He hesitated, staring at you blankly.

"Get her out of here!" Jungkook commanded again.

Jimin shook his head as if there was water in it, then pulled at your arm again. "You're too valuable."


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