Main Storyline Finished!

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Tigers! Can you believe it???  We've finished the main storyline for Gods of the Sea!

This story has been a wild ride, even for me. I mentioned a couple of months ago that during the time of writing this book, I found my own biological father. My father passed away when I was two, and all I ever knew was his name. Apparently his sister - my aunt - had been looking for me ever since, and she finally tracked me down last year as I was writing this. 

My aunt found me right after I had published Chapter 19... the title of that chapter is "Reunited."

I also found out that my father was in the navy, just like the father of the main character. I had no idea about it when I started this book. It's a fantastic coincidence that only God could have designed. 

In addition, I wrote this book during my Spiritual Formation 101 class with John Coe (you can find his lectures on youtube), which was about human morality. 

As you can see, these events leaked into the story pretty hard. But I'm happy with the result. 

It feels strange to see this main storyline come to an end, but don't be sad yet!!! We're not done!

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It feels strange to see this main storyline come to an end, but don't be sad yet!!! We're not done!

I'm going to take a short break in August (I'm moving to a new city and starting a new job), and then in September I'm going to start the His POV series with the point of view of Jungkook, Jimin, Seokjin, and Taehyung. 

What events in the story do you want to see from their perspectives?

I appreciate all of you who have supported me not only with GODS OF THE SEA, but also with the publications of my print books, THE FIVE PRINCES and THE REBELLION. Your support means everything to me. Thank you.

Stick with me for more updates and more stories! There's more coming soon!

Get ready for more GOTS updates in September!

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