Jungkook's Ending

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It had been eight weeks since you had come home.

Father had been healing well, but slowly. There were times you thought he might not wake the next morning, making you grateful that you had come home to take care of him. The king must have known how ill your father was, and that's why he had denied you your request for your wings.

But even so, this meant that you were a human with the power to charm. This power was more than you understood. You didn't want to abuse it, if nothing more for the fact that you knew you would answer to King Namjoon in the end if you did.

But could you live for a lifetime with the knowledge that those who loved you were under a spell?

Evenings had become cooler, the summer fading into deep autumn. Every night when the sun had fully set and your father had gone to sleep, you stood on the balcony, looking out over the sea as the moon and stars shone above it. Every night you looked at the star that hung over the Den of Sirens, wondering about the people who lived there. You missed the king. You missed Taehyung. You even missed Yoongi and Hoseok and their constant bickering.

Seokjin had left back to the Den to train Jimin, and now you were left alone with no proof that anything had happened at all in the last few months. The loneliness was chilling. You wrapped your arms around yourself, looking at the star that hung over the Den of Sirens and dreaming of being with them again.

You would make it back home someday. Whether it was in this body or the next, it didn't matter. 

You sometimes imagined hijacking a ship yourself to get there, but you couldn't leave your earthly father behind. Even so, as you dreamed of sailing on the sea, you couldn't help but think of the crew you once knew. And as you stood on the balcony each night, you couldn't help but think of the captain of the ship himself, who had once kidnapped you from this very spot.

You remembered the way your heart had fluttered the moment you saw him... the way his velvety voice made you shiver.

Even though you were the one with the power to charm, perhaps he, too, was a siren in another life.

Because in the end, he had charmed you completely.

"Even if you don't remember me fondly... at least remember how warm it felt sleeping next to me."

You wrapped your arms around yourself, wishing you could feel that warmth once more.

But how could you ask for that? How could you ask him to come back to you when you knew it was a spell?

"Are you making a wish?" a voice asked behind you.

Every muscle in your body seized. That voice... it was your imagination, right?

"A woman only looks at the stars that intensely when she has a deep wish," the voice continued.

You turned. Jungkook stood right behind you, the same smile on his lips that he had the night you first met. The autumn breeze brought over the scent of cinnamon and rum, and you realized that you weren't dreaming.

 The autumn breeze brought over the scent of cinnamon and rum, and you realized that you weren't dreaming

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