Chapter 25 - Sirens

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"A siren?" you asked, holding back your laughter. "You expect me to believe that you're a siren?"

Taehyung pouted his lips as he looked off to the side. "Why is it hard to believe? Is it because I'm a man? I realize that in the mythology sirens are usually women, but that's rather sexist, I must say."

You shook your head at him. "It's impossible."

"You saw the sky split open with a pillar of fire and you still think there are things that are impossible?"

You looked into his glowing eyes, an unmistakable power in them, no irony to be found in any of the edges. You swallowed, trying to hold onto your disbelief.

"Haven't you ever noticed the way others fawn over you?" Taehyung asked. "How they bow to your whim? Laugh at all your jokes? How you can see their true emotions the longer you look at them? I admit, you haven't harnessed your powers well. They're unfocused. With some training, we can fix that."

"Powers?" you scoffed. "Training? If this is some poetic metaphor about how I need to become a better flirt, it's not funny, Taehyung."

"And I'm not laughing, Y/N," he replied, his tone more serious than you were used to. "But I understand your resistance. I didn't believe it at first either. But it's true. We're both from the spirit world. I knew it the moment your heart didn't race for me."

You swallowed, trying to find words. "What does my heartbeat have to do with anything?"

"We can manipulate anyone, dove," he said. "Humans, that is. People fall at their feet for us. Their hearts race. Their palms sweat. They get obsessive and possessive, yet, they don't know why they do it. Our charm captures them regardless of whether or not they want to be captured. You could ask any man on this boat to marry you, and they'd do it. All you have to do is raise your voice a little. Just like this."

He made his last sentence sweet, raising the note of his tone and turning it into a small melody. He smiled as you connected his meaning.

You shook your head, starting to step away. "No. No! You're a terrible storyteller, and I won't have you insulting me in such a manner."

You tried to walk away, but Taehyung pulled you back, his lips flat. "You know as well as I do that if I was lying, you could tell."

Words failed to form

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Words failed to form. The look in his eyes was so serious, so intense that you thought it could break you. Even though it was completely ridiculous, you knew he believed it whole-heartedly.

"But... the sirens on the ship..." you started. "They looked completely different."

"We're incarnates," he replied coolly. "We have human bodies, but siren souls. The sirens we saw that day were the first stage: pure. Pure sirens and merfolk have no body shape. Like the merfolk you saw when I threw you overboard. Then there are the full-formed sirens, who have wings. We're the third form: cursed incarnates."

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