Chapter 11 - Stories

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'Think of it as your birthday party."

Jungkook smirked as he motioned to all the men around the tables who were already getting into a heavy amount of drinking.

You frowned. "You said I wasn't a guest on this ship."

"You're not. Which is why you need to hurry up and get more alcohol for my crew."

He gave you a swift kick in the rear with his hard boot. You grunted, turning and kicking him in return, even though your kick wasn't nearly as strong as his. Unaffected, he smiled and joined the other men in their loud conversation.

You wished you were spending the evening practising sword fighting with Jimin, just to learn how to stab Jungkook, if necessary. But Jimin had been roped into event himself. He sat at the far end of the table, his eyes glazed over in deep thought as chaos continued around him.

Thinking about it, Jungkook was right. It was strange that Jimin had offered to teach you to fight. And the way he kept talking about the spirit world... was there something you were supposed to be worried about?

You went down to the kitchen.

"His royal captain demands more alcohol," you said to Taehyung as you came down the steps.

"It sounds like a party!' Taehyung said with enthusasim. "It must be because of the ceremony tomorrow."

You shuddered. "You all say it so casually. As if cutting me open means nothing to any of you. I expected you to care a little bit, Taehyung."

He chuckled, holding up your arm. He slid a fingernail down the vien in your arm that started at your wrist and traced it down to your elbow.

"It's a harmless cut," he said gently.

"That seems like an oxymoron."

"It's sincerely not dangerous. They'll take a small silver dagger, made of pearl and black ocean stone, and put a tiny nick in your arm. Right here." He tapped on the meaty part of your arm between your wrist and elbow. "Jimin will say a few words, you'll drip some blood on a candle, and the candle will explode and open up the spirit world."

"...You want to say that last part again?"

He shook his head at you. "You're a hostage, dove, but you're not in any real danger. I'll protect you. You have my word."

He threw an arm around his waist and gave a theatrical bow.

"Why don't you protect me by preventing me from getting sliced and opening up the spirit realm? I'd rather not do either, you know."

He took both your hands and shook them warmly. "I wish I could, dove. I really do."

He then picked up a few bottles of alcohol, shoving them into your arms.

"Take this up to the Captain," he said with a smile. "Let him drink his fill tonight. He may not have the chance to drink properly after tomorrow."

Taehyung turned you around and shoved you back up the stairs.

"Why does everyone keep forcing me to walk back and forth from the kitchen?" you complained. "Just tell me to go. I can walk. Both you and the Captain, I swear..."

You muttered to yourself as you went back up the stairs, handing out the bottles of alcohol. The men took them eagerly, thanking you and bantering with you as they filled their cups to the brim.

"Always good to see a bottle of rum and a pair of beautiful eyes," one of them said to you.

"I prefer the rum," another said with a cackle. "It doesn't have a pair of lips to tell me to pick up my laundry."

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