Chapter 10 - Rivals

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“Better,” Jimin said after you had finished your second lesson. “You’re sharper today.”

You smiled at the compliment, handing him back his sword. You felt more powerful during this lesson, and you were happy that Jimin noticed it as well.

“This is where you’re supposed to say that it’s because I’m an excellent teacher.” he said after some silence. 

“I wouldn’t want to ruin your humility,” you replied. 

He chuckled, putting the swords away. As he mounted them back to the wall, you thought of your father. How did he feel now? Was he still healthy? Did he have hope at your return? Your smile faded, the weight of everything around you suddenly crashing down. 

You sat in the chair next to Jimin’s desk, tracing the maps on the pages of his books.

“What wrong?” he asked.

You sighed. “You know, I’m not sure what’s worse. Being kidnapped, or the life I have to return to once I’ve been set free.”

You leaned your chin on your hand, looking down at the books. The map in front of you was the same islands Jimin had been looking at before, the Winged Islands. The ones that your father had promised to show you before your mother died. He could probably never show them to you now.

“You know my family is completely broke,” you said.

Jimin hesitated. “Aye.”

“Did you know I was betrothed?”

You could almost feel Jimin’s shock behind you. “What?”

“I don’t know him

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“I don’t know him. He’s an old colleague of my father’s. From the navy. I’m sure he’s very honorable… but when I go back, I…”

You couldn’t finish the sentence. Jimin’s bootsteps came closer, until he was standing right in front of you.
He towered over you, his presence lingering over you like seafoam. 

“You said you were Navy, too. Didn’t you?” you asked, wanting to avoid his possible questions. “What happened? Why are you on this ship now looking for the Eros? A mission for the king?”

He flattened his lips as if he wasn’t meant to tell you. To your surprise, he answered. “Something like that. The truth is --”

“So here you are,” a third voice said. 

You both turned to Jungkook in the doorway, eating an apple as he stared at both of you. Jimin straightened while you rolled your eyes. 

“Can you knock?” Jimin asked. 

Jungkook shrugged. “It’s my ship. I’m Captain, remember?”

You heard a low growl from Jimin’s throat, barely audible. Jungkook approached you both, still chewing on his apple. 

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