Jungkook Ending - His POV

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"Just hold me for a little bit... until the storm stops."

I rubbed the ache out of my chest. Whether it was from being laid up for the past two months or from memories, I wasn't sure.

The sirens were hospitable even if they were somewhat awkward. Maybe they were just in awe of my incredible heroism... or maybe they just weren't used to humans staying with them for so long.

Jimin and Seokjin were always in training, and my brother seemed lost in thought most of the time. We spoke little to one another. I knew he didn't hate me, he just felt guilty. In time he would relax and maybe things would be a little more normal... at least as normal as they could be with my brother now being someone who divided good and evil souls in the spiritual realm.

I wondered how mom would feel about that one.

I was too restless to stay in bed. There didn't seem to be much entertainment in the siren world, except maybe destroying humans. I suppose that took up enough time. Regardless, I wandered around the caverns, looking for something to do.

There was a flutter behind me, the wind hitting my back.

I rolled my eyes. "Still keeping tabs on me, eh?"

I turned around to Taehyung's stoic face. His jaw clenched.

"It's my job," he replied flatly.

"The king's orders, I take it?"

He didn't reply. I chuckled.

"I suppose he likes that kind of irony, doesn't he?" I asked.

There was silence for a moment. As we stood across from one another, there was a second ache in my chest.

My own guilt.

"There wasn't supposed to be anyone inside that night," I finally said.

Taehyung cocked his head for a moment. I saw his eyes flicker when he caught my meaning.

"I counted," I continued. "And recounted. And had scouts. But it seems I miscalculated."

Again he said nothing. I could still feel his hatred for me, and I didn't blame him.

"I won't insult you with an apology," I said. "It wouldn't be enough."

He swallowed. "You're right. It wouldn't."

I nodded in acknowledgement. "But let's not forget that you also put a spell on me, planned a mutiny against my crew, sent a large chunk of them to their deaths, tried to kill me when I went after your girlfriend --"

"Y/N is not my girlfriend," he said.

I clicked my tongue. "I never said her name, mate."

He rolled his eyes and looked away.

"You're not under a spell like I am," I continued, "but your feelings are pretty obvious. I'm surprised you didn't stay in the human world with her."

He was quiet. He looked as if he was thinking of what to say, so I didn't interrupt.

"I've always loved her," he admitted. "But my duties take first responsibility. And despite what happens, I know that after her life as a human is finished, she'll eventually return to me. This is her home."

I licked the salt from my lips. "So who will love her in this life?"

I said it mostly to myself, but there was no denying that he heard it. It looked as if he was going to ignore my sentiment for a moment.

"The charmspeak has limitations," he finally said.

"As in?"

"As in the symptoms wear off. The charm only works in the presence of a siren. Those deeply enchanted usually lose all interest in about three to four weeks."

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