Taehyung Ending - His POV

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The sunset wasn't as glorious as it used to be.

I could see the entire world, it seemed, from the top of the Den of Sirens; and before I had become an incarnate, it felt like the greatest power in the world. Now it was only empty colors across the horizon. Perhaps it was because I was here alone... and I didn't want to be alone.

"So this is where you come to think," a voice said behind me. "It's quite beautiful, if I do say so myself."

I turned to see King Namjoon behind me, his eyes scanning the water and sky as the wind tousled his hair and robes. I jumped to my feet.

"Your Majesty," I said. "How did you get here?"

He cocked an eyebrow at me. "I created the entire spiritual realm and you think I can't climb the side of a mountain?"

I swallowed sheepishly. He came and stood on the edge of the den with me, his hands gently clasped behind his back.

"Also," he continued. "Do you really think I would create all this and never come out to look at it?"

I laughed nervously. I had forgotten how easy it was for him to read my thoughts. I don't know why it was so hard to remember. After all, he had created all of us with the ability to read souls.

"I just didn't expect you to come to me," I said honestly. "I didn't think it would be worth your time."

It was too honest, perhaps. I wished I could take it back as soon as I said it, but it didn't matter anyways. The king could already see it.

"I do as I wish," he replied flatly. "And my wish was to see why your heart was so heavy now that you're standing on top of the world."

I sighed, looking out onto the water as I arranged my thoughts.

"The human world has so much suffering," I said. "As a human, I had thought the spiritual realm would have less suffering. And though I finally feel at home, I have to admit, Your Majesty, my soul still aches in some places."

He was silent for a moment.

"Both realms have their responsibilities," he finally said. "The weight of a siren's responsibilities is not light. To condemn the physical world to life or death is no easy task."

I nodded my head, even though that wasn't what the weight in my heart was for.

"I know that I'm home," I said, the wind encouraging me to voice my thoughts into them. "But that loneliness I felt as a human... sometimes I still feel it."

He was silent for a longer moment this time. I doubted that I had offended him, but it made me uneasy that he would be silent for so long.

He then spoke.

"Your heart is pulled in too many directions," he said. "That pull causes so many tears in you that can't be filled."

I thought about it for a moment. The human realm. The spiritual realm. My past lives. My current life. The king. My friends here. My friends...

"Perhaps loneliness is not your issue, Taehyung," the king said. "Perhaps it's separating yourself into so many pieces."

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

He smiled as he inhaled. "You want to be in the sky, you want to be on land. You want to be with us, and you want to be with the humans. You want to fulfill your duties, and you want to be in love..." He looked over his shoulder at me with a smirk. "Am I incorrect?"

I met his eyes and then slowly hung my head. "You're correct, Your Majesty. Please forgive my greed."

He chuckled. "I don't consider it greed as much as just a love for - well - everything. When I made you, Taehyung, I made you with an adventurous spirit and an eye for beauty. Although this design may have led you down dark paths, I made no mistakes when I made you."

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