Chapter 15 - Aid

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Jimin walked you back to Jungkook's room, gently helping you to sit on the sofa. You couldn't help but look at your arm, the blood now dry against it. Jimin followed your eyes. He knelt down and brushed his shirt against the blood, flicking it away.

"It really worked," you said.

Jimin let out a chuckle. "You said you believed me."

"I believed you. I just don't believe what I saw."

Jimin stopped and looked up at you, breaking into a giddy smile and laughing.

"What's so funny?" you asked.

"Oh, it's fantastic!" he cried, rocking back until he was sitting on the ground. "Now they know I'm not crazy! They all saw it for themselves, didn't they?"

He threw his head back and laughed, as if he was releasing the tension from every nerve in his body. He was half-hysteric, this new side of him making you unsure of how to react.

When he finished laughing - which was some time - he stopped to stare at you with gratitude, tears streaming down his face from laughter.

"Thank you, Y/N,' he said

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"Thank you, Y/N,' he said. "Because of you, my name won't be stained any longer."

Your heart pounded as he smiled, but your joy in his praise was short-lived.

"But now..." you started. You didn't know how to finish.

Jimin caught your meaning and nodded solemnly. "Yes. The spirit world is now reopened."

"What closed it in the first place? What happens now? Will they come after us again? Will they go after other sailors at sea? What about the navy?"

Jimin waited until you finished asking questions, but shook his head. "I don't have the answers to everything. I just know that our worlds were separated for a time, and now they are reconnected again. There's nothing holding back the sirens and merfolk from judging the sea again."

"It is only the sea they judge?"

Jimin nodded. "I was once told that the spirits of the sea don't destroy men on land... men on land destroy each other. The sirens and merfolk wait until men are secluded. Then they strike. Perhaps their power is limited to the sea. I don't know."

You swallowed. If a siren was to look into your soul, what would they see? What would happen to the men on ship? To Taehyung? To Jungkook? To Jimin?

Demon blood...

Remembering the siren's voices made you shudder.

Jimin stood, sitting next to you and folding his hands in his lap. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and staring at the wall in thought.

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