Chapter 3 - Kidnapped

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"That's a horrible joke," you said, flipping your hair back and straightening your dress.

"Who's joking?" the self-proclaimed Captain Jungkook replied, eyes clear and curious.

You raised an eyebrow, rolling your eyes at his foolishness. "I suppose you always announce your crimes before doing them?"

"No, but I thought I'd make an exception. It's your birthday after all."

He gave a fearless smile, leaning in closer. You pulled back.

"If you wanted my attention, Captain, you could have just asked me to dance like a regular gentleman."

He sighed, leaning against the rail. "I'm not interested in your affections. I'm afraid you've mistaken me. Perhaps this will help?"

He opened one side of his jacket, revealing a hidden dagger at his waist. Your stomach sank when your eyes met back with his. Darkness clouded his face, the playfulness on the edge of his lips turning as sharp as his knife.

He wasn't joking. It was written all over his face.

You held your jaw tight, heart pounding. "If it's money you want —"

"Oh, I'm interested in far more than money, darling."

His smile curled at the ends, making your heart race.

You laughed ironically, trying to break your nerves. "So you expect to walk out of this place with me as your captive and not raise any suspicion? I assure you, there are at least a dozen naval gentlemen inside that would rush to my aid."

He leaned back against the rail again, looking back into the ballroom full of people. "Yes, I've thought about that. That's why I think we should make our exit here."

He looked over the side of the railing and then back at you. You looked down at the drop below.

"You're out of your mind!" you yelled. "You can stab me for all you want, I'm not going anywhere with you!"

You turned back to scream for your father, only to have your mouth covered and an arm constrict around your waist.

"Easy, darling," the Captain whispered in your ear. "Let's not wake the sharks."

He pulled you back towards the edge of the balcony. You clawed and cried out in muffled screams, but he was relentless and much stronger than you cared to admit. You felt him hoist you up on the ledge, and the world spun as you glanced below.

Praying for any last hope, you looked back towards the entrance, just in time to see Seokjin walk out onto the balcony. His eyes met yours, a wave of confusion disrupting his usual apathetic expression.

You wriggled, biting your captor's finger. As he snarled and pulled his hand back, you tried to call out to Seokjin.

"Help me!" you yelled desperately to him. "Get my fath--"

Your captor covered your mouth once more, his soft laugh flooding your ears.

"Is she yours, mate?" he yelled to Seokjin, who was now halfway to you. "I'm going to borrow her for a bit. Hope you don't mind."

And with that, he jumped from the ledge, taking you with him.




You woke up to the smell of cinnamon and cheap alcohol.

Your eyes fluttered open, your heartbeat pounding in your head as you looked up to a wooden ceiling. With a stiff neck, you turned to look around the room, not lavish or expensive by any means. There was a desk covered in maps and navigation equipment, a few large chairs, and a couple of barrels of what you assumed to be liquor based on your nose. The only elegance in the room was the thick red tapestries hanging from the ceiling like upside-down rainbows, and the wild fruits in wicker baskets.

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