Chapter 45 - Racing

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You couldn't even bring yourself to call out his name. You came to your hands and knees, dizzy and shaking as you went to his side. He groaned in deep pain as you leaned over and touched his damp forehead.

You looked up overhead, and saw nothing of the other sirens. Perhaps they had left you for dead. Perhaps they were hurt as well. Whatever the case, it didn't matter for now. All that mattered was Taehyung.

You turned his head towards you. "Taehyung? Can you hear me?"

His eyes fluttered open. He smiled, bringing a hand to yours.

"Is that you, little dove?" he asked. He curled up, hissing. "Shit... We may not die, but I forgot how much pain we can feel."

"Is it bad?"

He looked at his pinned wings and then back at you. "It's certainly not good."

You stood up and tried to roll the boulders off his wings. They were too heavy for you to move.

"Leave it, Y/N," Taehyung said. "You have to go."

"I can't leave you here. What if the sirens come after you?"

"Then you'll be in danger," he replied. "Besides, the effects of the mind control probably wears off this far out. They have to be in Jimin's sight for them to obey."

"But they followed us all the way out here and if they find you--"

"They can't kill me. You can't kill spirits, remember?"

You dropped to your knees beside him, an annoying desire to cry. It wasn't an appropriate time and you didn't want to, but regardless, the tears were coming to your eyes before you could stop them. Taehyung raised his hand to your face.

"Are these for me?" he asked, collecting the tears on his fingers. "What have I done to deserve such precious little diamonds?"

"I can't fight them without you," you said.

"You can." His soft fingers left your face to grab your hand warmly. "Plug your ears. Keep your eyes open."

He squeezed your hand as he hissed again in pain, and you could tell by the way he was trying to hold it in that he wasn't faking it. You looked around the cavern, but you couldn't see a single soul that could help you.

What were you going to do?

Taehyung shook your hand to get your attention.

"Get going," he said. "You're in danger with me like this. Get back to the king and stay safe. If you die... I won't get to tell you... tell you so many things."

There was a dim light in his eyes as he said it, and you knew he was thinking of the people he had lost before. But it was Taehyung who was your closest friend as a siren. It was Taehyung who had found you as a human and brought you to the ship, and it was him that brought you back to the Den of Sirens. You knew that no matter what happened, you would find your way back to this place... and him.

There was only one way to get him to understand that.

"You'll have the chance to tell me," you said. "Look."

You took his hand and pressed it to your wrist, your pulse racing against his fingers.

He laughed and rolled his eyes. "It's because we were just attacked."

"No," you replied, adamantly shaking your head. "It's because for a moment I thought I had lost you."

You held his gaze so he could read you. You wanted him to see it. You wanted him to understand that you were telling the truth.

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