Places We Keep Our Sins

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After FINALLY finishing the edits on THE BEAST OF NAPA and publishing my first poetry book LOVE AND OTHER BROKEN THINGS, I'm starting a new fanfic! 

If you liked GODS OF THE SEA, you'll like my next book, PLACES WE KEEP OUR SINS: a Jhope x Reader paranormal royal romance.

I've realized that arranged marriages are my thing and I'm unapologetic about it. XD




"Stop that boy!" he yelled. "Thief! Thief!"

Y/N huffed in annoyance. She couldn't be so sloppy with her pickpocketing from now on.

Turning a sharp corner, she saw a strong building with a fortress wall. She leaped, pushing off the right wall to get high on the left wall next to it, then pushed off again to reach the top of the right wall. She rolled over the top, landing on the ground on the other side of the wall on her feet.

She stood and turned only to be met with the tip of a longsword.

"Halt!" the guard holding the sword said. "Step no further!"

The guard's eyes were as sharp as his sword, deep scars and bruises running up every sculpted muscle of his arms

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The guard's eyes were as sharp as his sword, deep scars and bruises running up every sculpted muscle of his arms.

Y/N raised her hands. "I didn't do it!"

The guard's thick hand twisted against the handle of his sword as his sharp eyes narrowed. "Didn't do what, exactly?"

She swallowed. "Didn't do nothing. Innocent as a bird, I am."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Even birds pay for their sins in death."

She was too distracted by his words to care about the sword anymore. She dropped her hands.

"That's dramatically pessimistic, don't you think?" she asked.

"But he's right," a new voice behind the guard said. "Every creature has its darkness."

A new figure stepped out behind the guard. He wasn't as tall or muscular as the guard holding a sword at her throat, but there was an undeniable power in his stance and sharp smile that seemed more dangerous than any sword. His peach and dusky brown skin glistened against his lavender and gold robes, his bottomless dark eyes mysterious and inviting in the most dangerous way possible.

 His peach and dusky brown skin glistened against his lavender and gold robes, his bottomless dark eyes mysterious and inviting in the most dangerous way possible

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