Chapter 42 - Separated

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The horizon bled deep into the sunset. There were ships - specks in the distance - floating from one side of the sun to the next. You opened your wings and closed them again, letting the salty air pass through the feathers. They wanted to soar. They wanted to go to the ships and bring in the human catch, but the sirens on duty had already been sent.

And they would bring back the wicked to be destroyed.

There was something exciting about a ship full of sailors that could possibly be sentenced to death. Like the world would be cleaner after it was finished. A little less evil in the world... a few less dirty humans to destroy the creation of the king.

As you sat and watched the ships, a fluttering of wings came in behind you. You turned around to see Taehyung as he landed next to you. He plopped down beside you, a smile plastered hard against his face.

"Where have you been?" you asked. "The king was looking for you."

He shrugged. "I went back to the city."

"Again? That's the third time this month."

"There's just so many fascinating things there," Taehyung said, practically glowing. "The humans have all these little inventions for their daily lives, like knives and umbrellas. They have tasty little things called pastries. And they can't fly, so they ride horses and these strange little boxes with wheels... And their stories. They have the most incredible stories, Y/N! They're so similar to ours, but they involve human heroes destroying evil before it destroys them. Can you imagine?"

You laughed, shaking your head. "They're just human tales. Wildly unrealistic and disgustingly romantic."

Taehyung nodded, his smile fading a little. "Yes, they're quite romantic. The men save women from horrific danger, and then they kiss."

You groaned. "Why would a human woman wait on a man to save her? Are the human females so weak?"

Taehyung shook his head. "They're strong too. But the human men seem to gain magical strength and courage when they have the kiss of a woman waiting for them."

"Is a kiss that powerful?"

Taehyung's head cocked to the side as he looked at you. Something flickered in his eyes for a moment, and he gave a slightly sinful smile.

"It's incredibly intoxicating," he finally said.

You gasped, nudging him. "Taehyung! Have you kissed before?"

He smiled proudly even though he was turning pink. He looked over his shoulder before leaning in closer to answer.

"A few times," he whispered. "The human women taught me."

You laughed. "You daring bastard. The king would rip your feathers off one by one if he knew."

"It's not a sin to kiss," he said, pouting.

"It's a sin to touch the humans."

"You want to try it too, don't you?"

You made a gagging sound. "The humans? You must be joking! I can't stand those slimy things."

He laughed and shook his head. "Not the humans. Kissing."

You pursed your lips, thinking about it. Taehyung's fingers came to your chin, turning your face towards his. There was a different look in his eyes than normal. It was playful as usual, but with a hint of darkness in it. You had never seen it before.

 You had never seen it before

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