Seokjin's Ending

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Before you could even come back to your feet, the door swung open. You expected it to be Mr. Kim again, but you were surprised to see his son instead.

More frantic than you had ever seen him, at that.

He looked at you, his eyes drilling right through yours. He didn't say anything right away, looking you over with intense interest. Perhaps it was the wedding gown that had him stunned.

He shut the door. You forced yourself to your feet to meet him.

"Seokjin..." you said, your mouth dry at the intense gaze he was giving you. "What are you --"

"I've decided that this is unacceptable," he said, stepping in to meet you. "I won't allow you to marry my father."

"Seokjin, your father just --"

Before you could finish, his lips met yours. A gasp escaped you, and you put your hands on his chest to push him away... but stopped. As soon as you touched him, the heat of his body invited you in, the warmth of his kiss intoxicating.

His lips left yours, a puff of air hitting them as he stepped back.

"There," he said, wiping the bottom of his lip with his thumb. "They won't allow you to marry one man when you've kissed another."

Coming out of your daze, frustration suddenly struck you. "Wait. Did you kiss me just to break off my betrothal?"

He huffed, agreeing.

"Oh, you idiot!" you snapped. "You were willing to ruin my reputation when the wedding has already been called off?"

"How am I the idiot when you're the one marryi-- wait, what?"

It was the first time you had seen him completely confused, and you couldn't hold back a laugh. He almost looked innocent.

But you knew better.

"As I was trying to say," you said, "before you so rudely interrupted, was that your father is here now. Our engagement has been called off."

He brought his fingers to his lips. "So you're saying I did that for no reason?"

You nodded smugly. He ran his tongue against his teeth, his skin turning pink.

"Unless you wanted to kiss me," you added.

He glared at you. "Why would I want to do such a thing?"

"You've been quite adamant about me not marrying your father," you said. "You never told me a real reason."

"I did. You're a gold digger."

"A gold digger who tried to get her wings and was rejected?"

He paused as you looked over your shoulder at the stars, looking at the one Seokjin had shown you - the one over the Den.

"You said I was easy to understand," you said, turning back to him. "You must know what I want most, even now."

His eyes met yours. After a moment, he turned his head away, muttering to himself.

"I'll see that you make it back," he said eventually. "I already gave you my word."

"Another thing you didn't have to do," you returned. "Why are you helping me, Seokjin?"

He paused. "Because it's my duty as a Judge."

"We both know that's not true."

He glared at you. You returned the stare. Suddenly he reached his hands out, gripping your waist and lifting you onto your dresser. With a yelp you grabbed his shoulders, looking at him in bewilderment.

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