Chapter 21 - Confessions

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You pounded on Jimin's bedroom door.

He was actively avoiding you and you couldn't understand why. He had spent weeks training you with a sword, meeting you on the deck late at night to comfort you, and joking with you at the table during meals. But after taking Seokjin and the crew captive, he had been completely cold, seemingly angry. He never stayed in the same room as you for a long period of time, and you couldn't get a read on what he was feeling or why.

So you decided to beat it out of him.

Knock, knock, knock.

He opened the door, his eyes hollow as he stared.

"What do you want?" he asked coldly.

"To talk to you," you replied.

"I'm busy now," he said, starting to close the door. "Come back when --"

You kicked the door back open, smacking him in the face with it. He stumbled back, holding his eye and hissing.

"When I say we need to talk," you said firmly, "I mean that we're talking right now."

He rubbed his face as you came into his room and shut the door behind you. You crossed your arms and leaned against it, letting him know that you had no intentions of leaving. He sighed, shifting his weight to one foot.

"What's wrong with you these days?" you asked. "You're brushing me off. And your brother. And half the crew some days. You're always brooding in your room."

"I do not brood."

"You definitely brood."

You gave him a small smile, hoping he would do the same. He didn't. He turned to his desk instead, papers and books scattered across and beside it. His room was always a mess, but this was frantic. He went to his desk and shut some of the books, piling one on top of the other. From where you stood it looked like he was chewing on his tongue, as if the words were sitting there but he couldn't spit them out.

You stepped forward. "Please tell me what you're thinking."

He turned his head towards you, his eyes suddenly filled with sorrow; a stark contrast to the hollow shells they were moments before.

"I opened the spirit world," he said. "I wanted so badly to clear my reputation that I didn't care about the consequences. And now... now I'm faced with too many things I wasn't prepared for."

You helped him straighten the books on his desk. "You know more about the spirit world than most people. You have a power I've never seen before."

"The connection between the spirit world and the human world, I understood," he replied, putting his books on the bookshelf. "I understood that I could manipulate it and wield some of its power, but I didn't understand the creatures that lived within that world. They will judge every man on this ship, and their deaths will be on my hands."

He was shaking by the time he finished, and you stepped in to meet him, taking his hands in yours to steady them. The pain in his face made your heart sink.

"You mended something that was once severed," you said.

"Maybe it wasn't meant to be mended."

"You did nothing wrong --"

"I hurt you!" He grabbed your arm, showing you the faded scar across it. "I cut you open and let you bleed for the sake of my reputation and my family's finances. How much more  blood will be on my hands now that the spirit world has opened?"

He inhaled through his teeth, like it was crushing him to even breathe.

He inhaled through his teeth, like it was crushing him to even breathe

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