Chapter 16 - Transparent

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You woke to boots stomping across the floor.

Your eyes fluttered open, the blur of Jungkook's room coming into view. Jungkook removed his jacket as he sat at his desk, pultting on his glasses to take a look at a pile of maps. He pulled out his compass, taking notes in a small journal.

You had never seen him so focused. Laying perfectly still, you watched him as he studied. With the earnest focus in his eyes, it was hard to believe this was the same cocky, devil-may-care criminal who kidnapped you.

You stretched, arm aching. The cut in it wasn't deep, but it stung; a terrible reminder of the things you had witnessed the night before.

"You're awake," Jungkook said.

You sat up slowly, realizing you were on his bed again

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You sat up slowly, realizing you were on his bed again. You looked at the bedsheets, dazed.

"Did we --?" you started.

Jungkook lifted his eyes to yours, palming the compass in his hand. He shook his head. "You slept alone. Don't get used to sleeping in my bed, though, Princess Blood. You're still not my guest."

His eyes turned downwards and you suddenly saw the dark circles under them.

"You didn't sleep?" you asked, sliding off the bed.

He gave a bitter laugh, writing more notes in his journal. "I saw demons fall from the sky and attack my men. You think I could sleep after that?"

He scribbled his notes more aggressively. You approached his desk, looking over his shoulder at his notes. He spread his hand over the page, blocking your view.

"Keep away from my journals, Princess. The information in them doesn't concern you."

You frowned. "I was just curious. No need to bite my head off."

There was a frustrated aura around him, something heavy and hopeless.

"What's wrong?" you asked.


"You're lying."

"No, I'm not."

You put a hand on his shoulder. "Jungkook --"

He stood, shaking off your hand and walking to the other side of the room. "Don't say my name like that. Shouldn't you be getting breakfast ready or something?"

You gasped, a hand flying to your face. "Taehyung! Is he alright?"

Jungkook shrugged. "Go see for yourself."

You ran towards the door, swinging it open. You turned your head back one more time to Jungkook, watching him violently flip pages in his book, his lips muttering silent words to himself.

You tapped on the door frame. "I asked if you were alright too, you know."

He shut his book, his head rolling over his shoulder to look at you.

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