Chapter 51 - Ceremonies

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You looked at yourself in the mirror as Lina straightened the train of your white gown. Her frown was heavier than yours.

"Is the doctor coming today?" you asked her, breaking the uncomfortable silence between you.

She sighed. "Yes, yes. He said he would come to check on your father today. He said your father seems to be gaining his strength back these days. My dear, with that in mind, are you sure you want --"

"I've made my decision," you said firmly.

Lina nodded solemnly, and it broke your heart to see her so disappointed. Even though she had been the one to encourage your arranged marriage in the beginning, she hadn't stopped sighing and frowning since you actually agreed to it.

When you had seen your father for the first time after returning, he was pale and cold, just as King Namjoon had been when the Eros was taken. You hadn't seen your father so weak since your mother had passed... and now you knew that his heart had started to fail him since the day of her funeral.

That's why his business had collapsed.

That's why he couldn't get another job.

And that's why he had betrothed you to Mr. Kim.

Now that you had returned, your father was healing, but you couldn't bring yourself to give him any bad news lest his heart failed completely. He was already teetering on death, and you couldn't be what sent him over the edge. 

Regardless of your life before this one, you still loved your earthly father and mother dearly, and it was still painful to lose them both.

So you agreed to the marriage.

Your human life was short compared to your eternal one, and so you were willing to make this sacrifice for a short time. Maybe you would be freed at death and put in another body. Or perhaps, when you were widowed and your future children grown, you could go back to the Den.

You would have to think about the long term later. You could only think of keeping your father alive now.

For now, you had to focus on your future wedding, scheduled for two weeks from today. Your room was scattered with white veils, ribbons, shoes, and pearls that belonged to your mother. You kept your hand on her necklace, praying that she would guide you through.

You didn't know how much strength you had.

Knock, knock, knock.

Lina and you both turned to a face you hadn't expected to see.

Your betrothed.

"Miss Y/N and Miss Lina," Captain Kapsu Kim said, tipping his hat at you both individually. "Have I caught you at a bad time?"

"Of course not, Mr. Kim," you said. "You're always welcome."

You stepped away from the mirror to face him. He gave you a quick glance and a warm smile.

"You look quite lovely," he said sincerely. "I was wondering if I might speak with you, my dear."

You nodded and motioned for Lina to give you some privacy. With a timid nod of understanding, she left the room, shutting the door behind you. Mr Kim took off his hat and coat, placing them on the chair next to him.

You had only met with Mr. Kim a few times since you had returned, but never alone. He always brought doctors with him to look after your father, and your conversations had been nothing but small talk with your father in his bedroom.

Also, Mr. Kim had been paying for all of your father's medical expenses, according to Lina. He never breathed a word of it, and never made you feel like you owed him. 

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