Ch 44 - War

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Taehyung grabbed your arm to hold you back.

You wished you could have done the same for the others.

The sirens rushed the pirates. The pirates had swords, but it was useless since sirens could not die by the sword nor did they get tired while fighting. The fight was at a deadlock before it had even begun. The pirates could do nothing but fend off the siren attacks.

"What do we do?" you asked Taehyung.

"We can't get close," he replied. "If Jimin sees us, he can control us."

"Can we blind him then?"

Taehyung snapped his head at you with a surprised look.

"Sorry," you said. "My old self was quite violent, wasn't she? Then what's a better way to...?"

You looked around, spotting the stream that snaked through the room. You then glanced at the rocks beside you. Gasping, you tapped Taehyung's shoulder.

"The rocks," you said. "And the King's River water. If we combine them --"

"The earth and the spirit... yes." Taehyung licked his bottom lip, nodding. "Yes, that will work, but we'd have to --"

"Strike our own. But do we really have any other options?"

He gave a quick jerk of his head, keeping his eyes on the fight. "We need to get down without getting caught."

You looked around. After a couple breaths, you tore off a piece of your sleeve and rolled it up into a tight ball, sticking it in Taehyung's ear.

"Will this work?" you asked.

He felt his ear for a moment before nodding. "It's the best we have. Let's go."

You both tore off tiny pieces of your clothes and stuffed your ears with them, blocking out the sound as much as possible. Even if Jimin saw you, you wouldn't hear his commands. But that was only one problem solved. The second problem was going to be dipping the stones in water and carrying them without burning yourselves in the process.

You motioned to Taehyung to take the rocks in a strip of robe to dip in the water and then carry to the pirates as ammunition. He nodded. You gathered the rocks next to you, carrying as many as possible before Taehyung scooped you back into his arms to fly down towards the fight. You had to fly towards the back, making sure that Jimin didn't see you coming.

He needed to think you were already under his command.

When you hit the ground, you searched for the stream. It was hard to see through the blur of pirates and sirens in battle. You searched for Seokjin and Jungkook, but every one moved too quickly for you to identify them. You weaved through swords and wings, staying close to Taehyung as you headed towards the side of the room.

You put the rocks in a sling of cloth, dropping it down into the river. The water bubbled, as if it was boiling, assuring you that the magic was working. 

Where had Jimin learned about the holy water and stone mixture? And more importantly, where did he get the holy water? Pure holy water only came from the Den--

You were suddenly jerked away from the river, the sling of rocks slipping from your hands. You had time to see a sword coming straight for your throat right before Taehyung blocked you. There was a muffled cry, and by the way Taehyung's chest seized, you knew the cry had come from him.

He huffed, his wings engulfing you both. He hunched over for a split second. Your lips said his name even though he couldn't hear it, and you grabbed his face with your hands to make him look at you. He winced in pain, but he still had his typical smile... right before he shot open his wings and flapped them violently. The force knocked both the sirens and pirates around you off their feet.

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