Chapter 36 - Helpers

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"This is unfortunate," King Namjoon said, leaning his chin on his hand as he sat on his throne.

Taehyung and you, as well as Seokjin and one of the other Judges, had been called to the throne room after the trials to discuss Jimin's fate. Jungkook and the remaining guiltless crew had been released, free to return home by the ship they had been brought in with.

Regrettably, you weren't able to speak to Jungkook or Jimin in the chaos. Jimin had been taken away by the Judges and other sirens before you could even get close to him, and Jungkook had followed them. The King had dismissed everyone else in the court immediately to attend to the situation.

And after some time, he then called you all into a meeting to gather information and discuss the next step.

You wrung your hands together as you chewed your lip.

"Increase the guards around the throne room," King Namjoon ordered Yoongi. "As well as the hallways. Put the sirens on emergency shifts until we can extract the demon from the boy."

"How could we not see that Jimin was demon-possessed?" you asked. "Shouldn't we have known somehow?"

Seokjin shook his head. "Demon possession is rare, for starters. Only twenty percent of those who deal with the dark arts get possessed. The host has to be weak and vulnerable for the possession. So usually demons go after children, not adults."

Seokjin's eyes flashed for a moment

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Seokjin's eyes flashed for a moment. He blinked and turned his head away before you could catch the meaning of it.

"The pure sirens knew," Taehyung said. "When the spiritual world was reconnected, they called for demon blood. As an incarnate, I thought they were talking about evil humans. It never even occurred to me that one of the crew members was possessed."

"It's quite impossible to tell," the king assured Taehyung. "It isn't until they get close to a source of power that the demons start to slip up and show themselves. In this case, the Eros. You said that Jimin resisted your charmspeak, correct?"

Taehyung nodded.

"That means that the boy has a stronger resistance towards the spiritual realm," the king said. "Demons also use charmspeak. If Jimin resisted you, then he most likely was resisting the demon possessing him as well."

"We can't be too cautious. A human can only fight demons for so long," Yoongi said.

"But this boy is stronger against demons than the others," Hoseok added. "As long as he continues to fight against the demon, we can extract it easily."

The other Judge that came with you all nudged Seokjin, who had been lost in thought.

"You'll help him, Seokjin, won't you?" the other Judge asked. "You saved me from my demon. As well as Hyunmin and Sangseok."

Seokjin looked at the Judge from the corner of his eye, then looked back into space.

"If he's fighting against the demon, I can extract it," Seokjin replied. "If he has accepted his demon, it's another story."

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