Ch 11 - Stories

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She loved my story... but for the wrong reasons.

I could see that she wasn't entranced the same way the men were. Jimin was the same way when I first met him: he had no interest in my charmspeak either, and it was difficult to get him to a place where I could control him. His touch with the spiritual world had made him more resistant to my powers.

But she... she didn't respond at all.

"A load of bullshit," Jungkook said, interrupting my thoughts.

He was entranced by my stories, but never took them seriously enough.

"There is no man completely pure or evil," he continued. "Sirens, merfolk, the spirits and what-have-you... there is no such thing. They would have swept half these bastards off my ship."

The crew laughed emptily at their captain's joke, somehow not taking any offense to being called scum. It was true, however, that most of the crew would be wiped from existence.

And if I had anything to say about it, Jungkook would be first.

"You'd do well to respect the spirit world, Captain," I replied. "Just because you pay no mind to them doesn't mean they won't search your heart."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"I have no concerns for my morality," he replied.

"No truer words spoken," Jimin interjected.

The two glanced at one another, Jimin's glare making Jungkook shrink back in his chair. It was a small pleasure to see the great captain writhe under the disapproving look of his older brother.

With no other words, Jimin left the table. The table was silent for a moment until Y/N, still nestled in Jungkook's lap, looked at him with genuine concern.

He didn't take it in a very gentleman-like manner.

"You wanna stare closer, princess?" he asked, leaning in close to her.

I took this as my opportunity to step in. I hopped off the table and offered my hand to Y/N.

"I hate to steal this one away," I said, "but there is a hot stove waiting for our attention."

The men groaned in disappointment as Y/N took my hand. Jungkook's eyes flashed red as she took my hand and followed me.

"She'll return to you in only moments, my dear captain," I added. "Never you worry."

His shoulders slumped back as he took my spell, and I was able to get her away from the table without any riots.

"Thank you, Taehyung," Y/N said as we left the table and started down the stairs to the kitchen. "That horrible captain just can't keep his hands to himself. So many childish games..."

She trailed on, but I only half listened. There was something about her that was incredibly familiar. What was it?

"The captain seems quite infatuated with you, little dove," I said with a laugh, pretending to be joking. "He always wants you for himself."

"And for what?" she replied in confirmation. "He doesn't enjoy my company, really. I think he just likes to bully people."

I cocked my head to the side in thought and then shook it.

"It doesn't seem that way to me," I said. "It seems like the captain has a bit of an infatuation."

She gaped her mouth in disgust. "Don't make such vile accusations, Taehyung. Even if that were true, I wouldn't accept such horrible affections."

She started ladling soup into bowls, seemingly trying to distract herself. I bounced up behind her, my curiosity piqued.

"You must have this trouble often," I said. "I bet men flock to your side on land as well."

"I've had a fair share of suitors," she replied plainly. "None of which measured up to my father or his standards."

"You think of your father pretty highly."

"The highest," she replied.

I scratched my chin, eyeing her. There had to be something that would break her.

"Do you really have no interest in rebelling against his wishes and marrying anyone of your own choice?" I asked.

I put my hands on each side of the counter, trapping her. She turned to face me, raising an eyebrow in disapproval. I smiled in return.

"What if I asked you to run away with me?" I said. "Abandon your father's expectations and marry the man who can make all your dreams come true?"

She shrugged her shoulders with a laugh and frowned at me. "I won't abandon my family, nor the standards laid out for me."

"You have no interest in defying your father?"

She pressed her lips together, shaking her head slowly from side to side.

"My father is my greatest strength and my most important love," she said softly. "I could never betray him. It would break my heart more than it would his."

I held my breath.

Not only did she not respond to charmspeak, but she always obeyed her father to the point of personal sacrifice.

That wasn't a human trait. The humans were always thinking of their emotions first, not their duties. They didn't speak like Y/N spoke... as if she was betraying the king of the spiritual realm instead of a man.

She didn't respond to charmspeak.

She didn't follow her own desires.

Her heart didn't race when I spoke.

And Jungkook and Jimin were obviously both infatuated with her even though she had only been on the ship a short time.

That meant...

I grabbed her chin and directed her eyes to mine. She flinched - and rightly so since I had grabbed her rougher than I intended - and looked at me with a twinge of fear.

"Taehyung, what are you --"

"Don't move," I ordered.

I tried to read her. The spiritual realm had given me the power to read people's emotions, fears, and desires, and if there was any time to use it, it was now.

I kept my eyes on her, trying to dig into her soul. And as I looked, I found the confirmation I needed.

She wasn't charmed by me at all.

And there would only be one reason why I couldn't put her under my spell:

Y/N was a cursed siren like me.

I stepped back, the shock overwhelming me. How on earth was this woman one of my kind? Did she know about it like I did? No, she couldn't, could she? It was strange that I even knew.

"Taehyung?" she asked.

I blinked, trying to compose myself.

"You have a strong will, little dove," I said, trying to act natural. "Those eyes of yours show it."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You have no interest in personal space, do you, storyteller?"

She threw the bowls on a tray, furring her brows and then made her way up the stairs. I rubbed my chin in thought as she walked away.

"Not especially," I whispered after her. "But you'd be surprised at how close we truly are, little dove."

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