Chapter 9 - Pulse

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You woke to the smell of the sea. It was fresh and clean, the salt cleansing your mind of all stress and fear.

This was the reason you slept with your bedroom window open. The scent of the sea was always the cure for anything that made your heart hurt.

Your mother's death.

Your father's failing business and empty bank account.

Your betrothal to a total stranger twice your age.

The thoughts tumbled through your mind, but only stayed for a moment, the smell of the sea soothing your aching heart.

You squeezed your pillow.

It'll be okay, Mother. I'll keep our family together now that you're gone. I won't let us fall apart.

Your pillow sighed.

Your eyes shot open as you gasped. You sat up, your head spinning from the sudden shift in position as you looked behind you. Jungkook looked up at you, half-awake, his eyes heavy lidded.

"Morning, Princess Blood. Did you enjoy sleeping in my bed last night?"

You gasped a second time, wondering how you could have forgotten you were kidnapped and staying in a room with a pirate.

I guess a lot has happened in a few days.

Wait... why were you in Jungkook's bed and not on the floor?

Memories of the previous night hit you like a tidal wave. There was a storm. Thunder, lightning, and then you --

Oh no...

You turned your face away and tried to straighten your hair. "How dare you try to take advantage of an honest lady, Captain."

He chuckled behind you, sitting up and leaning over your shoulder.

"First," he said in a low, groggy voice, straight into your ear and sending shivers down your spine, "I'm no honest gentleman. Second, you came onto me last night."

You threw your head back to look at him, not realizing how close he was. You turned your head away again, cheeks burning.

"I-I-I did no such thing," you insisted.

"You don't remember?" he teased. "How scared you were during the storm? How you jumped into my bed and gripped onto my shirt, begging me to protect you? Does any of this sound familiar?

You paled, but shook your head.

"You held on so tight to me all night," he continued to tease. "I'm sure there's fingernail prints in my neck still. Why don't you look for me?"

You slithered out of bed, not looking at him. "You're full of stories."

"Not to mention all the dirty little things you say in your sleep..."

You picked up the belt Jungkook had given you and wrapped it around your waist, the coolness off his shirt holding close to you. You tried to ignore how much you now smelled like him, and the coy look he was giving you from his bed.

 You tried to ignore how much you now smelled like him, and the coy look he was giving you from his bed

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