Chapter 6 - Suffering

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"Oh, Miss Hostage," Jungkook sang, waving his hand back and forth as if it were a bell. "My soup is a bit cold."

You sighed, going back to the table and putting a hand on your hip. Jungkook only smiled, ignoring the annoyance you were trying to communicate nonverbally.

"And a moment ago it was too salty, and a few moments before that it was too soggy," you replied. "You're a sailor. Not a king. Just shove it down."

He gave a fake pout. "Ahh, but how can I be a captain if I have no strength? I need a hot meal to keep myself going."

"Then don't be captain," you replied over your shoulder, starting off to get more soup for the others. "See if I care."

His tone dropped an octave lower, suddenly serious. "Maybe I wasn't clear when I said that I was Captain."

You turned to meet his eyes

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You turned to meet his eyes. Even though he leaned back in his seat like a man of leisure and grace, he gazed at you like a man who would love to slit your throat open just to watch you bleed.

Which may have been the case at the full moon.

For the sake of your father, you clenched your teeth and nodded.

"As you wish, Captain," you said, adding quickly under your breath, "Captain Jackass."

You went back down to the kitchen. Taehyung was still over the stove, humming to himself with glee. He winked as you walked in and leaned against the counter.

"His Royal Highness would like hotter soup now," you said flatly.

Taehyung growled, his glow suddenly doused. "Is he trying to punish you or me at this point? I don't appreciate the extra work, you know."

"You think I'm enjoying it? This is the first day of my first job, after being kidnapped and sentenced to the kitchen before having my body sliced open to find some - what? - magical stone that controls fish. Do you want to trade places with me?"

You huffed, nearly sprawling across the counter in exhaustion. You could feel Taehyung's eyes on you as he stirred the soup.

"You don't believe in the powers of the spirit realm," he commented, not a question.

You gave a half-hearted shrug. "I always enjoyed the myths and fairy tales my mother told me. My father always talked about his life on the sea as if it were a ride on a magic carpet. But..."

He raised an eyebrow at you. "But?"

"...But then Mother died. Slowly. Painfully. None of those stories could save her, and none of them could put together the pieces of my father's heart."

There was a pause. "It's not your responsibility, you know."


"To keep your father together."

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