Chapter 38 - Falling

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You jumped from the bed, heart in your throat.

"Taehyung?" you called out.

There was no answer besides the rippling blue lights of the den. Panic rushed through all of your senses, your heart racing as fast as your mind.

Had Taehyung really gone after Jungkook? What would he do? Would he get himself cursed again?

You could feel your heart physically break at the thought of Taehyung lost to another curse. If he was cursed... you would never see him again.

You raced to the entrance, pulling back the curtain and looking down. It gave you instant vertigo. The drop below warped and twisted in the shadows, the ground below an unmeasurable distance. Stepping back from the ledge, the skin between your shoulders started to fiercely ache, as if your skin knew it once had wings that would carry you safely to the bottom.

But you didn't have wings. You were human. And if you dropped to your death, you would go to another body instantly, never to see anyone here again.

"Hello?" you called out into the den, the sound echoing off the walls. "Is anyone out there?"

Complete silence.

"Taehyung?" you called out into the drop below. "Are you out there? Can you hear me?"


"Can anyone hear me? There is an elegant lady in need of some assistance!"

Even that resulted in no response. You huffed and threw aside the curtain, looking around the room. There were no other exits, only a small opening in the ceiling. Could you crawl out the top and climb down the sides?

You looked around the room for something to climb up to the window. There was nothing but books and clothes and toys...


You jumped back to look down at whatever you had stepped on. It was a toy soldier, wrapped in strings. Picking him up to look for any damage you may have caused, you realized his tangled strings led to a parachute hanging off his back. With an energetic gasp you untangled the strings to look at his parachute. Its design was not incredibly complicated: a square cloth with four strings.

...Could it work?

What choice did you have?

You pulled down the curtains and their ropes, laying out the little soldier so you could copy his parachute. You tore small holes in the corners of the curtain and laced the rope through, meeting the ropes in the middle. You couldn't help but applaud yourself. It was almost an exact replica.

Then reality struck. You weren't a toy soldier. And there was a lot to lose if this didn't work.

You grabbed the toy soldier and took him to the entrance, looking into the drop below.

"I expect nothing but the best out of you, soldier," you said to him. "Taehyung and Jungkook's fate depends on you."

With a salute, you dropped him over the side.

He slowly fluttered down to the bottom of the den. Slowly... slowly... gliding down for what seemed like a real eternity before hitting the bottom. There wasn't a noise or alarming signal from where you stood, so you took it as a sign.

You picked up your own parachute, wrapping the ropes around your waist and legs like the toy soldier's parachute. Your heart tightened with each sailor's knot that your father and Jimin had taught you.

Jimin... Jungkook... Taehyung... your father...

It felt like each rope of your parachute represented each person you wanted to help but couldn't.

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