Chapter 12 - Agreement

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Jungkook was a heavy sleeper when he was drunk. He snored with his mouth wide open, tempting you to drop something in it just so you could watch him choke.

On the other hand, he looked like a child, innocent and vulnerable, completely surrendered to his dreams. With the moonlight curving around the sharp features of his face he didn't look like your tormenting captor, but instead, a slumbering cherub.

But you were about to strangle him if he didn't stop snoring.

Deciding to let him live, you left the room and went out on the deck. The ocean was calm and deep. Something about the sight of it instantly soothed your soul despite the situation.

Tomorrow they would cut you. Taehyung and Jimin were sure it would open up the spirit world. What did that mean?

Your entire nervous system vibrated, bringing goosebumps to your skin. Everyone knew so much more than you, but somehow, you were the piece they needed. How did that make sense?

"You'll catch a cold," a voice said behind you.

You turned to see Jimin, who looked as if he had just woken up himself. His hair blew around his face softly, reminding you of cotton candy at the town fair. He removed his coat and stepped forward, wrapping you in it. His eyes were soft, his hands carefully wrapping you in the warm jacket.

"You're too much of a gentleman to be a kidnapper," you teased.

He smiled back as he looked into your eyes. "You're not my hostage."

After a heartbeat he looked away, leaning against the rail of the ship and looking up into the sky

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After a heartbeat he looked away, leaning against the rail of the ship and looking up into the sky.

"Why are you out here?" he asked.

"Your brother snores like a dying horse when he's drunk."

"Ha. Yes, yes he does. He's quite obnoxious when he's sober as well." He paused, licking his bottom lip. "Did he try anything on you after dinner?"

You shook your head. "He passed out as soon as he got into his room."

Jimin nodded, satisfied. "He's not a terrible person, really. He's just incredibly naive with no sense of good and evil. He sees a goal and he goes for it. He doesn't think about consequences."

You leaned over the rail with him, looking at his face instead of up at the stars as he was. He caught your gaze, looking back at you with confusion.

"What?" he asked.

"Why are you two at odds with each other?" you asked. "Everytime you stand in the same room together, I feel like someone is going to get stabbed."

He laughed, leaning back and continuing to look at the sky. "It's that obvious, is it? Yes, we have some... strong disagreements. We want the same thing, but we have very different views on how to get it."

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