Chapter 23 - Pure

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You stepped quietly down the stairs, trying not to wake the prisoners.

It wasn't like they could attack you, anyways. The most they would do is make a bunch of noise and get you in trouble. Taehyung and Jungkook would scold you for your recklessness, but sometimes a lady just needed to be reckless.

Regardless of the circumstances, you couldn't keep your questions to yourself anymore. You needed to know more about this arrangement, about this man whom you were engaged to. Jungkook and Jimin both obviously disapproved of your engagement, and quite frankly, you weren't fond of it either. But what other options did you really have at this point? You weren't taught any real trades, and only had a basic knowledge of arts and culture. Most of your time was spent with your father or with his colleagues, talking business. You didn't mind it, and you could probably be fairly good at it, but what business could you take part in? Father had already lost his. Had you known sooner, you would have asked to become part of the trade to help him. But he had never indicated anything was amiss, and you had never thought to ask.

Marrying a complete stranger was the only way you wouldn't be completely useless to your beautiful father. He had already lost so much... you couldn't sit around and wait for him to lose even more.

You came to Seokjin's cell, peering in between the bars. He was asleep, his legs bent in a strange position and his face turned away from you towards the wall.

You gently tapped on the cell bar. He didn't move. Deciding he must have been a heavy sleeper, you tapped again, whispering his name. Even in the dark, you could tell that he wasn't even flinching, no movements despite how much noise you were beginning to make.

"Seokjin?" you whispered, "Are you alive?"

No movement. Looking around, you picked up a broken piece of wood and pegged him in the back with it. He still didn't stir. A warning flag flashed through your mind. Was he ill? Did he get sick down here? You hadn't come down in days and anything could have happened. And if anything happened to him, then his father...

You reached for the key on the wall and unlocked the door, closing it behind you. You went to Seokjin's side, touching his shoulder.

"Seokjin?" you asked again, nuding him. "Are you alright?"

You yelped as you were suddenly slammed against the wall behind you, two hands pressing your shoulders hard into the stone. Seokjin's eyes were cold, even when a small grin curled on his lips.

"You fell for the oldest trick in the book," he teased

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"You fell for the oldest trick in the book," he teased. "You really have no sense, do you?"

You tried to shove him off, but he held fast, staring at you as if he was trying to analyze your entire existence. His eyes dropped to the key that was now on the floor next to you.

"Are you going to escape now?" you asked, trying to stay calm.

He chuckled. "I could. But then where would I go? I don't have a ship, and I don't care to take over this one, honestly."

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