Chapter 49 - Healed

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The guards binding my hands behind my back were the only reason I wasn't lying on the ground in pain.

Every inch of my skin felt like it was on fire, even though Seokjin had only burned the skin on my chest. It was enough, however, to set my whole body on flame. And although I didn't know the true location of my soul, I could feel it ache from the way it had now been split in two.

Dagon was gone.

But seeing my brother pale and bleeding from his side, it felt like I hadn't been possessed at all. Instead, it felt like I had been the demon all along.

"Let her go, Jimin," Jungkook had said in the caves. "You can hate me more if you want, but at least let me keep you from destroying yourself. Let me do one honorable thing for us both."

I knew he had changed when he said that. My younger brother cared nothing for honor. But if Y/N had saved him... how could I damn him again?

You can't let them leave... Dagon had said as Jungkook took Y/N's hand. If he leaves, you'll lose everything.

It wouldn't be because of him, I replied. I did this.

"Go then," I huffed out, trying to ignore Seokjin's sword in my back. "Both of you get out."

I made it a command. Both Jungkook and Y/N needed to be free of me. This was the only way I could do it.

And I... even if there was nothing I could do to redeem myself, I at least wanted to die with a clean soul.

Don't you dare, Dagon warned. I've given you everything.

Give it to someone else, I replied.

"Seokjin," I said over my shoulder.

Dagon took over, not even allowing my permission this time.

I never told you my price, Jimin.

What price?

The price everyone pays in the end. The only price that matters in this realm: Blood.

After that everything went black.

There was a flash of light.

And I awoke to my brother on the floor, bleeding... the bloodied sword in my own hand.

Now, my brother's lifeless body was laying in front of the King of Sirens... the same king I had tried to kill. The same king whose children I tried to destroy.

I had no hope for mercy.

They put Jungkook's body in front of the king. The way the king looked at me showed that knew me quite well, even though I didn't remember us meeting at all. Part of me knew to pay respects. The other half hated myself too much to act with any pride or honor.

So I looked away instead.


Y/N's broken whisper made me raise my head. With tears falling down her cheeks she held my brother's limp hand and looked to her leader.

She was a siren, I knew. With that power, she could manipulate and destroy humanity in any way she wanted. 

But here she was, holding my brother's hand, pleading for his life.

Forgive me, Y/N... you were exactly who you said you were. I was the liar. I was the deceitful one. I was the demon.

The king stepped forward, putting his hand on Jungkook's forehead.

"You returned my daughter to me," the king said to my brother as he lay unconscious. "And protected her from the demon that tried to destroy us all."

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