Chapter 22 - Consequences

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"Never forget the magic of every day life, Y/N... it's the weapon we use against every day darkness."

You watched the moon reflect in the water as the salty summer wind bit your nose, your mother's words echoing in your mind.


In the past, you believed in it. You believed in fairy tales about princes, dragons, and happy endings. You considered yourself a member of the royal family; your father and mother the king and queen of the city, their parties and socials your grand masquerades.

But in the end, no prince could save the princess from an incurable disease.

Your family never even learned the name of the disease. The doctors did all they could - as did your father's finances - but neither could save your mother. Your father lost the childhood sweetheart he had loved since he was ten years old, left with a daughter too unskilled to help him.

The moon hovered next to the red glow of the Eros star, taunting you. Here, you could see magic. You knew it existed. You knew the fairy tales were true. And yet... at the same time... it was like the sky was saying, "Yes, magic does exist... but it didn't want to save you."

Was there a way to save your family? Was there a way your weak hands could put everything back together?

If that kind of magic existed... you would do anything.

The sea air suddenly felt cold and unwelcoming. With one last wish, you went back to your room, forgetting that it was - in fact - Jungkook's room.

Why did you keep forgetting that?

Jungkook was at his desk, scribbling in his notebook. He closed it as soon as you walked in, then peered over the rims of his glasses.

"You were out late," he said.

With his scowl and disapproving look through his glasses, you couldn't hold back your laughter. "You look just like my father when you say it like that."

He smirked, putting his journal in his desk drawer. "Considering how much you admire your father, I'll take it as a compliment."

"It was."

You shared a small smile, the tension in your shoulders ebbing. He took off his glasses, leaning back in his chair.

"Were you with Jimin?" he asked.

The tension in your shoulders returned. Feeling the blood rushing to your cheeks as you remembered your intimate and confusing moment with Jimin, you gave a small nod. Jungkook took a long breath. He stood from his desk and put his hands in his pockets and wandered around the room, stopping at his mirror. He straightened his outer shirt.

"Jimin's... Jimin's a good man," he said. "You don't have to hide your relationship. You have my approval."

You put your hands up in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"I've seen the way he looks at you. And how much time you spend together."

"That's not --"

"I have to say, I'm impressed." He turned from the mirror and faced you, taking one slow step after the other to meet you in the middle of the room. "You can choose between an honorable naval officer or a rich, civilized gentleman. It must be exhausting to have so many good options."

You grit your teeth. "And who said that I was interested in either one of them? You've made too many assumptions, Jungkook."

He pinched your chin between his fingers, tilting it up as he stepped in closer, his eyes hard and intense.

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