Part 47 - Divided

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"Hello, master," you said.

You shook your head, wondering how your tongue could form such disgusting words on its own.

The demon laughed, holding up the Eros. The stone had no particular shape, but the flaming swirls deep in the stone showed just how unique and powerful it truly was.

"Your mind may be yours for now," the demon said in his normal, raspy voice, "but everything else belongs to me."

You took a step back, but he shook his head sharply.

"Hold still," he commanded.

Your feet and knees suddenly locked, gluing you to the floor. He stepped in closer to meet you, a wild look of pleasure in his eyes. He then brought a hand to your cheek. You flinched, the coldness of his skin nothing like Jimin's touch at all.

"The question is," he continued, "what should I do with you, exactly?"

You assumed he didn't want an answer.

"My host is rather conflicted about you." He twirled a bit of your hair in his fingers, watching you. "I offered to kill you, but he refused. I offered to make you ours and he also refused. I have all this power, and he seems so reluctant to use it on you. I wonder why that is?"

"Because humans are used to being weak," you replied.

The demon's hand stopped. He looked at you, stunned for a brief moment, then laughed.

"I hardly expected that from you, siren," he said.

You shrugged. "You assumed I cared for them."

"I saw the way you fought to protect my host when we were in that cell." He grinned knowingly. "You have a special place for the humans."

"That was before I remembered being a siren."

He glanced over your shoulder. "You don't have your wings."

"Regardless, I regained my memories. Do you want to know why I became human?"

He didn't answer, but his eyes told you that he was curious.

"Because I murdered the Guardians," you finished.

He scratched his nose with a smile, obviously not believing you. "Interesting story, siren. I don't find it very credible."

"I don't care if you believe me or not. It's the truth either way. I never had any love for the humans. I never understood why the king would give them such care when the sirens had more power."

He nodded bitterly. "And the demons have more power than you both, yet somehow, we're the exiled ones."

"The rejected creations of the king," you added.

"The rejected creations of the king," you added

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You could see the demon's eyes flicker. You knew you couldn't read him like you could Jimin, but you didn't have to. You knew enough about the evil in yourself to know what you had just triggered.

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