Chapter 37 - Refusal

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"I'm not leaving," Jungkook said, his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall I the hallway outside of the throne room. "You heard what the king said."

Seokjin rubbed his hand over his face and groaned, looking as if he had somehow aged ten years in the last twenty minutes.

Before sending you all out of the throne room, the king had made the decision to let Jungkook and the others stay three days to prepare for departure. Jungkook was allowed to visit Jimin during that time, as long as he didn't interfere with Seokjin's work.

You were relieved. Taehyung and Seokjin, however, were not.

"Too many humans in the Den of Sirens will end badly," Seokjin said. "Especially if those humans are pirates."

"Haven't my men been deemed pure?" Jungkook replied with a shrug. "Isn't that the verdict of the spiritual realm?"

"You're still a risk."

Jungkook licked his bottom lip with a smile.

"Let's be honest, mate," he said. "You just don't want me making a pass at Y/N."

Jungkook reached out and tickled a finger under Seokjin's chin. Seokjin swatted his hand away with a grunt.

"Your feelings for her aren't real, you idiot," Seokjin replied. "You're under a spell."

Your stomach sank slightly at the truth, but Jungkook didn't seem affected. His eyes met yours, the mischievous twinkle in them dark and inviting.

"Isn't all love a type of spell?" Jungkook replied softly

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"Isn't all love a type of spell?" Jungkook replied softly.

Your heart fluttered.

Taehyung stepped in between you, his wings half-extended to separate you from Jungkook.

"She won't be anywhere near you," Taehyung said coldly. "I'll make sure of that."

You reached up and touched the top of his wings to calm him. "Taehyung..."

"You're only here for a few days," Seokjin reminded Jungkook. "I doubt your brother will be  healed in that time, but make no mistake: you're not welcome here."

The playfulness in Jungkook's eyes suddenly dimmed. "What will it take to heal my brother?"

"Nothing that you can do," Seokjin said. "Only a Judge or a siren can extract a demon, and you are neither one. Tend to your men and prepare them for departure. That is your duty."

Jungkook's face remained blank. You wanted to reach over and comfort him. The world was now on his shoulders: his parents succumbed to illness, the majority of his crew lost to the underworld, and his brother tormented by demons.

How could he still stand after all that?

A pair of sirens approached all of you, nodding their heads at Seokjin.

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