Chapter 1 - Introductions

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"The red one," you said. "What other color do you wear to seduce a husband?"

Your maid raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips in a frown. "Listen to you. Sounding like a lass with the experience of a thirty-year-old when you're barely brushing twenty and one."

She pulled a deep red dress from your closet, the fabric glistening like pieces of eight.

"And don't be gettin' no ideas about seducing a husband," she continued. "Your father has already made your arrangements."

It was your turn to frown. "Yes, I know. Hence the reason I should seduce another. Father's pick of men are brainless, dull businessmen."

"Brainless, boring businessmen will keep you from starving to death when your father dies. Ever think of that?"

You sighed. You knew your Father had been worried for your future ever since your mother died three years ago... when your worlds fell apart emotionally and financially.

"I know why Father wants me to marry," you said. "But I don't think money is any reason for it."

"Aye, you aren't wrong. But is love a better reason? Feelings are fleeting, dear one. Better a boring man with wisdom and a heavy pocket than a gorgeous wild card with no common sense."

You held your arms up so Lina could tie your corset. "Are those the only two choices?"

Your maid continued to help you prepare, doing your hair and makeup. As a child you had a few maids, but in the last ten years it had shortened down only Lina, who barely took a salary out of love and loyalty to your family.

"What if he's terrible, Lina?" you asked.

"Then pray he's a workaholic and you never see him."

"What if I meet an amazing stranger who is crazy about me?"

"Then pray he's a workaholic, too. You'll need a man with a solid salary. Enough what-ifs. Time to step down the stairs into reality."

She spun you around and grasped your bare shoulders as you both looked at the way the red gown cascaded down just above your ankles. You wore your mother's emerald necklace with it - a gentle reminder to stay calm despite your pounding heart.

Lina smiled. "Oy, you look so much like your mother, Y/N. Let's pray you marry a man as decent as your father."

"You know," you replied with a grin, "when I marry, my father will be quite lonely. Why don't you two--"

"Ayyy, enough o' your babble." She waved her hand at you. "Get down the stairs. The guest of honor should be at her own birthday celebration."

Your father may have been struggling with finances recently, but it didn't show in the party downstairs. Half the aristocats in the city were there, their clothes finer than the wine your father special ordered. They wore gold, silver, and jewels. You half thought about throwing an auction just to see who would donate their highest treasures to win you. In this dress, who wouldn't pay a handsome figure for your affections?

You leaned over the rail like a child at Christmas.

"Which one is my husband, do you think?" you asked Lina enthusiastically.

You searched the room, looking for a gentleman who might pique your interest. Thankfully, the most unattractive men already had women on their arms, so you were safe from their claws. Your eyes wandered, stopping at a man on the side of the room towards the balcony. His broad shoulders stood stronger than anyone else in the room, his eyes and hair darker than the night settled behind him. He raised his glass of wine to his lips, and something in your chest fluttered as he swallowed. He was certainly a sight to look at, and you didn't mind it.

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