Ch 26 - Surprises

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It was my turn to feed them.

I had been trying to avoid the prisoners on board, especially on today of all days. To charmspeak the men into mutiny early had taken all my energy, but seeing how Jimin was already losing himself to his obsession with Y/N made it clear that it was time to put him and his brother in chains.

The technicalities, however, of shoving them into prison without the current prisoners getting out was the largest problem, but I had no time to think about such things.

Perhaps the biggest problem was that the leader couldn't be charmed... and I didn't know why.

There wasn't much time before the mutiny, but I was still on kitchen duty. I should have gotten someone else to feed the prisoners, I supposed, but at the same time, the leader of the prisoners had knowledge I wanted. Knowledge I needed.

I could tell by looking into his soul that he had answers I had been searching for. And if he died in my mutiny, then it would be a waste.

I put on my best smile - per habit - and strutted down the stairs into the brig.

"Good evening, gentlemen!" I called out. "Supper is served, courtesy of the great pirate captain."

The last three words came out rather sharply, but no one noticed. They were too busy grasping for the bowls between the bars. They slurped it down sloppily as I made my way to the back of the cells.

Their leader was still sitting with his back against the wall, staring straight ahead. He didn't look upset or agitated, but simply waiting, like a lion watching its prey.

He turned his head towards me. He then raised an eyebrow, as if he was asking me why I was staring at him and not saying anything.

"Dinner?" I asked, holding up a bowl.

He shrugged. "Not necessary."

The way he stared after his answer made my hair stand on end. He slowly rose to his feet to meet me, and I stepped back.

He chuckled.

"You act scared now," he said. "You weren't so timid when you cut down three of my men and then put a sword at my throat."

I swallowed, but didn't answer. The soup bowl sat warm against my palm.

"You're obviously courageous enough to be on this ship," he continued. "I'm interested in how you found a captain who let you aboard the ship headed straight for the Eros. Was it your impressive resume... or something else?"

He stared me down. I held my breath in order to steady myself, but it didn't keep me from sweating.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He raised one shoulder and dropped it. "Someone who knows a reincarnate when I see one. My question is... how do you know what you are?"

I licked my bottom lip, glancing at the bowl of soup. "Fortune-tellers."

This time his laugh was more bitter than amused. "Leave it to them to screw up the spiritual realm, then poorly attempt to fix it in order to look like saints. I bet they charged you every last penny for it, too."

I didn't answer. He folded his arms and leaned against the bars.

"I assume you know the woman is an incarnate as well?" he asked.

Again, I didn't answer.

"Let me guess," he said. "You found another one of your kind and now you're running home together. Rather romantic for sirens, really. But the king will be pleased to have two of his children home again."

I almost forgot to breathe. The siren king really did exist.

There was a chance that he knew me.

There was a chance he could give me the home that I wanted.

The leader of the prisoners nodded approvingly. "I hate romance, but at the same time, you whisking the woman siren off to the den will take care of my problems as well. So I'm willing to cut you a deal."

"A deal?" I scoffed. "What could you offer?"

He leaned against the bars as he smiled at me.

"Let me out of this cell," he said, "and I'll take you both home."

The word hit me straight through the gut. Home. Oh, how much I had wanted to say that word with my own lips. And when I searched his eyes, I saw no dishonesty in his proposition.

But how could he know where it was? Not unless...

"Are you returning as well?" I asked.

He snorted distastefully. "I have no interest in your king or his domain."

So he wasn't a siren. And he clearly hated fortune tellers. He had to be a Hunter. It was the only thing to explain his temperament and his desires.

"I don't cut deals with your people," I threw back. "Not with what you've done to mine."

He laughed, fully showing his teeth as he did. "That's quite bold of you. Have you not learned the rules of our realm?" 

He didn't blink as stared at me. I saw his desires once more - the same desire I had seen when I first met him with Y/N.

The desire to see the sirens destroyed.

"There are no choices in our world, little siren," he said. "Your destruction is your own doing. I can't force you towards it... nor can I save you from it."

I stepped back again. 

His desire was not for our deaths... but our deaths were his job.

Not a Hunter. A Judge.

And if I didn't help him... or if I did...

"Boss, it's time."

A voice echoed down the stairs. I recognized it as one of Jungkook's men and hushed him.

"Silence," I commanded. "Not until my signal."

"Boss, huh?" the leader of the prisoners chuckled, long and deep. "I see you haven't wasted time in using your gifts. I hope that pleases the king."


"Just a moment," I sang. "The games will begin soon."

I stepped away from the cell to attend to my scheduled mutiny, the leader of the prisoners' voice echoing behind me.

"So they will, little siren... So they will." 

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