Part 48 - Powerless

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You dodged the blade as the demon struck at your throat.

You picked up a rock as you jumped out of the way, throwing it at the demon's head. It stunned him just long enough for you to run and hide behind a stone wall. You crouched behind it, your heart lodged in your throat.

You had to stay out of his sight, or at the very least, block out the sound of his voice. The moment the demon had you in his sight, it was over.

Seokjin, where are you...?

"Come out, little siren," the demon hissed.

You felt a pull in your muscles to stand, but you didn't obey. Since he couldn't see you, you were outside of his total command. You scrambled to tear off another piece of your sleeve, momentarily hoping that Jungkook wouldn't be angry at you for ruining his shirt in so many ways.

You had barely jammed the cloth in your ears with your shaking hands when the demon had jumped onto the wall. He looked over at you as he hung off the top with one hand, the other holding the Eros. His lips moved in a command you couldn't hear.

You lept to your feet and sped around the wall, hopping across the creek of holy water that snaked through the room. The room was too wide to hide well, but not flat enough to be caught so easily.

At least, it wouldn't have been if Jimin had been completely human.

The demon was quick on your heels. He must have realized that his words were not working because he stopped talking and swung his blade at you instead. You were able to dodge at the first swing, but he was much faster than you.

He jumped in front of you, slicing at your side. You jumped back, but not fast enough. The blade cut your hip, and you stumbled to the ground. When you looked up, the demon had the blade raised to run you through.

Your lungs froze.

Suddenly, the yellow disappeared from Jimin's eyes and he stumbled back. He looked into your eyes, mouthing two words that you couldn't hear, but completely understood despite the silence.

"Fight back."

He threw the sword towards you.  It hit your feet right as his eyes turned back to yellow.

You grabbed for the sword. The demon spoke again, but you didn't hear it, and he reached for the sword hanging at Jimin's side.

When he swung with Jimin's blade, you blocked. Even though the demon was the one wielding the sword, it was still Jimin's body; and the demon used the same moves that Jimin had taught you.

But... how could you fight back? You could keep yourself alive, but in order to win the fight, you would have to...

The demon stepped forward with a jab, and you stepped to the side to avoid it. You sliced through his shoulder, gasping in horror as you watched the blood seep through Jimin's clothes. But his movement slowed momentarily, and you knew you had to slice through his sword arm in order to keep both of you alive.

But you couldn't kill him. You just couldn't.

You went for his arm again, but he jumped back and blocked.  Your ears were still plugged, but you could feel the cloth in your right ear slipping.  You reached up to fix it, but you didn't have the chance to.

The demon took your distraction as an opportunity, stepping in from the side and driving his shoulder into yours. His power was far beyond that of a normal human body, and the hit sent you sliding across the stone floor. You screamed as the floor ripped open your skin, your clothes stinging the open wounds.

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