Ch 39 - Tame

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"Escort Jungkook back to his room," the king ordered the two sirens in the throne room. He then turned to me. "And you, Taehyung, shall remain here."

I caught the stern look in his eye before bowing my head.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I answered.

I didn't lift my eyes as Jungkook left. I had only intended to confront him - to ask him how his heart had changed so much in such a short time - but as soon as I saw his face, I lost control. My hatred for him had consumed all logic, and I hadn't noticed until it was too late... until the king had to force himself between us.

When Jungkook left and the doors shut behind him, the king stood to step down from his throne to meet me.

"Be careful not to return to your own habits," he said. "The consequences may be worse than the first time."

"Yes, Your Majesty."


"Do you know why I allowed them to remember you?" he asked.

I didn't answer. I knew it was the king's decision to grant the ability for Y/N and the others to remember me after receiving my wings. They should have all forgotten except for Seokjin.

The king never explained why he had done it. It simply called it his gift to me.

"You cared for the humans in the beginning," he said when I didn't answer. "You even saved them from creatures who would destroy them without a second thought."

I caught his eye, knowing exactly who he was talking about.

I could still remember the blood of the child and its mother on Renaldo's hands. I barely made it to the second child in time. But it had only been one child that I had saved. There was plenty more innocent blood before... and plenty more innocent blood after.

But I had never told the king. I had never told anyone.

It was foolish, however, to think the king didn't already know.

He continued. "And because of their pain - and your own - you tried to find and bestow pleasure. But that was also against my rules."

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"You loved the humans... but then you lost sight of what real love was. So I had to teach you."

Maria's eyes flashed in my mind for a brief moment. I knew I could never see her again. The siren world and the world of the dead didn't cross. Only the king and the demons could go between realms.  Sirens judged the living on earth. Nothing else.

But from that pain - and a few other tragically lost loves in my other lives - I understood what the king was trying to teach me. I understood how I saw love incorrectly. Selfishly. Possessively. And emptied.

"Love isn't destructive," he said, stepping closer to me. "Did you learn it?"

I nodded, looking down.

"Since you learned the pain of destruction, you must show me your repentance with obedience."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Good. That's why I'm commanding you to keep guard over the humans."

I raised my head to protest, but the firm resolve in his eyes told me to keep silent.

I swallowed.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I answered weakly.

"Don't forget that I can take my gift away at any moment," he said. "Whatever given to you can be taken."

I nodded solemnly. "Yes, Your Majesty."

He pulled his lips to the side in a teasing scowl.

"You're allowed to call me Father, you know," he said. "You did once."

I bit my lip, nearly ripping the skin off with my teeth. Clearing my throat, I shook my head.

"I haven't earned it, Your Majesty."

He stared at me for a long moment. He then cocked his head gently to the side and nodded.

"That's true," he replied. "And the fact is, you can't earn it."

The truth struck my gut and I bowed my head further. The king, however, put both his hands on my shoulders and prompted me to look at him.

"And because you can't earn it," he continued, "you can't lose it, either. Do you understand my meaning, son?"

I stared back at him... realizing he wasn't talking about me referring to him as Father

It struck me once again in the gut, tearing open my grief. As tears spilled from my eyes he pulled me close, allowing them to stain his pure robes as he comforted me.


This POV is the shortest, but it ripped me apart the hardest while writing it.  

I can't believe there's only ONE POV left!! This has been such a wild ride!

I've enjoyed writing this book and I hope you've enjoyed reading it. I'll tell you more about my upcoming project in the next POV!

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