Chapter 26 - Surprises

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It wasn't hard to feign illness.

Taehyung's words spun through your head all night, stealing all of your sleep, and you couldn't bring yourself out of bed to help Taehyung in the kitchen the next morning. Your stomach knotted at the idea of seeing both him and Jimin after what had happened last night.

Jungkook allowed you to stay in his room for the day, a wave of concern washing over his eyebrows as he checked your temperature.

"Should I have Jimin look at you?" he asked.

You shook your head violently. "Please don't. It's something of the... feminine nature."

He held his hands up in surrender and took a step back. The lie was embarrassing, but the truth was insane.

"I won't ask any more questions then," he said. "Take as much time as you need."

He left the room and you curled up under your blankets on the floor, wishing you could wake up to another reality. Being kidnapped was bad enough... but a siren? How could you be a siren? Taehyung, yes, okay. But you? You would know something like that, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you have some sort of clue?

And what was an incarnate? Did that mean you had died in a previous life only to live again in another body? That this body wasn't yours? You looked at your fingers and wiggled them. This was your body. It had to be. You had never known another body. If you were an incarnate, did that mean you stole a baby's body?

A sudden chill ran through you. What a terrible idea.

But there was no denying what you had seen. Taehyung had controlled Jimin with his voice. Jimin's anger had melted far too quickly for it to be natural. And not to mention the way that Taehyung interacted with the men on ship. No matter what trouble he got himself into with the crew or the captain, he always had that smile on his face, his voice sweet and melodic.

And you saw the welts on Taehyung's back. It was undoubtedly the shape of the stones Jimin kept on ship for the sirens.

Taehyung was definitely a siren. You could accept that. You weren't afraid of it either, even though you probably should have been. Taehyung, however, had been nothing but kind to you. He had also been through so much pain. He was dear to you, no matter who or what he was.

But so was Jimin. And if you were honest, so was Jungkook. So were half the men on this ship.

Except Seokjin. You really didn't like him.

You sat up, remembering him. Taehyung was afraid of Seokjin, but he never told you why. Was it something to do with the sirens? Something to do with the spiritual world? Or had they simply met before in another circumstance?

You didn't have the strength to get out of bed and find out, but you knew one thing: Seokjin and Tehyung had an important secret.


You spent the entire day in bed. Night fell and no one had come to visit you the entire day, thankfully. You couldn't face anyone. But after an entire day of thinking, you had no conclusions about anything. You only had questions... and you couldn't handle it anymore.

You threw off the covers and stepped over to Jungkook's bookshelves. Jungkook wasn't back yet, still preparing for your arrival to the Eros. He had been out late for the past few days, and if he was going to stay out as late as he normally did, it would be a few hours before he came back. It gave you time.

Jungkook had been borrowing books from Jimin's room about mythological creatures of the spiritual realm. He must have had some books lying about that would confirm or deny this incarnate nonsense.

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