Ch 47 - Divided

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"You'll never measure up to your brother."

My father's words echoed in my head as I ran my hand against the handle of my sword. My family had always praised Jimin for his accomplishments, but I had never done anything worth praising. I struggled with reading, and so my studies were useless. On top of that, my classmates found out about my uncle, and they mercilessly mocked Jimin and me until I was forced to punch them in the mouth about it.

Jimin was the one who taught me how to fight... but I never caught onto the part about honor.

And now I would possibly have to kill my own brother to learn that lesson.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Seokjin asked. "If you hesitate for a single moment --"

"Yeah, I know," I said. "Everyone gets enslaved by my possessed demon brother. I picked up on it."

"I don't appreciate your humor."

"I don't appreciate your lack of it."

We followed Y/N deeper into the caves, as she was the lead on this mission. I didn't like using her as bait. If anything happened to her --

"Grab her."

My brother's voice echoed in the cave. At least, the remnants of his voice. There was something inhumane about it now, like this throat had been burned. He sneered as his two siren minions grabbed YN and began to drag her towards him.

Seokjin grabbed my arm to stop me. He then grabbed me by the collar, dragging me to the corner of the room. He eyed the two sirens and Jimin, his eyes narrowing.

Y/N stayed cool, her posture straight and unafraid as she spoke directly to my demonic brother. I didn't understand how she could be so calm. My heart was about to rip out of my chest.

She could die. And so could my brother.

I didn't care if it was a spell or not... I couldn't stand the thought of something happening to her.

And my brother... could he even be saved?

"I want to offer you my body," Y/N's calm voice said loud and clear.

My mouth opened, but Seokjin spoke first.

"Shit," he cursed. "The demon can't resist the idea of more power. And if she's offering him her body then..."

He caught my look.

"Not sexually," he added. "She's offering to let him possess her."

"You can do that?"

"All possession is at first willing,"

I jumped to my feet, but he pulled me back down.

"She said she could separate them," he said. "Wait."

"One of them is going to end up dead -"

"This spell she has on you is so damn inconvenient..."

"Jimin!" she screamed. "Save me!"

I turned to see a sword at her throat, but Jimin pulled it back, his arm dropping to the side. He shook, the power and pride suddenly gone from his face.

"So that's what she's doing," Seokjin muttered. "What an interesting strategy."

He seemed to have no intention of moving from his place, even though everything in my body told me to run to them both. It would only take a moment for me to lose them again.

Maybe for good this time.

I had cheated death too many times already, and I doubted Fate was kind enough to let me off again.

Jimin's voice was too soft to hear, but I could at least tell that it was normal. My brother was still in that body.

Please... I need my brother back. I'll die myself if that's what it takes.

I reached for the sword at my side... and not too soon.

"Dammit!" Jimin yelled, grabbing his head in pain. "You need to get out, Y/N!"

He lunged for her. She dove away, barely missing the blade.

I drew my sword.

"That's a signal as far as I'm concerned," I said to Seokjin.

I stepped forward. Before I could even get two steps, however, my brother turned. His yellow eyes met mine, and I felt frozen to the ground.

He saw me, but he didn't recognize me. My brother didn't know me.

"Why are you hesi-" Seokjin started.

But he didn't get to finish.

"Get the pirates!" Jimin commanded.

The sirens that had brought Y/N to Jimin swooped in to obey their commands. Seokjin grabbed my arm and pulled me back just before one of them nearly slammed into me.

"Get it together!" he barked, knocking me back to my senses.

I turned my focus away from my brother to the sirens, unable to shake the image of my brother's hatred from my sight.


Seokjin opened a flask of holy water and doused the rocks in front of him. Then he grabbed one of the sirens by the neck and slammed his head against the wet rock. The siren screamed in agony, but didn't quit his fight.

I jumped in to aid Seokjin, swinging my sword at the sirens with a new burst of energy in my blood.

I had nothing to lose at this point.

I had ruined my family name. I had no honor. The love I felt for a woman was only a spell. And my brother - the only one who held out any faith in my redemption - wanted me dead.

Now... all I could do was make my last act an act of honor. 


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