Jungkook POV - FINISHED!

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The Jungkook POV for GODS OF THE SEA is now finished!

The complexity of our captain was quite fun to work on. I enjoyed bringing out his romantic side and making his relationship with his family more and more complicated. 

Which brings me to the next HIS POV character: Jimin!

Which brings me to the next HIS POV character: Jimin!

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I can't wait to share with you the deeply complex relationship between Jimin and Jungkook, as well as Jimin and his demon. 

It'll be good. Honest.

I've noticed that each of my novels have gotten progressively darker. I'm enjoying this. My love for Gothic literature and the philosophy of evil is starting to show up in my writing more and more, and I feel like I'm finding the style of writing I love most. 

I love that I get to have this journey with you guys. Thanks for your support, Tigers. 


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