Part 39 - Tame

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Every inch of your skin crawled as Jimin eyed you. There was something sharp in his eyes and teeth, as if he was ready to tear you apart piece by piece.

"Jimin?" you struggled to ask.

His grin widened.

"If that's what you want to call me," he replied, his voice deep and strangled.

The lights of the den flickered across his face in a way that was hard to catch the thoughts behind his eyes. You stepped closer, trying to read him. He chuckled as you moved closer, cocking his head to the side.

"Sorry, siren," he said. "You can't read me like the humans."

"Who are you?"

"My name isn't important," he returned. "Besides, I'd rather talk about you."

His eyes raked over you for a long moment. You shivered.

"M-me?" you asked. "Why me?"

He pursed his lips, letting silence drench the air between you both for a few moments.

"You're very lovely," he finally said. "You're obviously a woman of high status and well-grooming. Even if you didn't charm him, I could understand why Jimin would want power over you."

You stepped forward, suddenly angry at both the accusation and gull.

"How long have you been possessing him?" you asked.

He shrugged. "I've been around for a while. I found him right after he lost his job in the navy. When he was the most powerless. The most weak."

"You're wrong. Jimin isn't weak."

"I have his soul. I beg to differ."

He threw his head back and made a screeching laugh, causing you to step back in fear once again.

"It was quite the task to get his soul, though, I'll admit." He ran his fingers through his hair. "He fought me for months. Until you, that is. The moment he found out you were a siren..."

The demon snapped his fingers.

"...he handed over his soul to me in a moment."

You clenched your teeth, trying to keep them from chattering against each other. It wasn't cold, but your blood suddenly felt like it was freezing in your veins.

"You won't have him," you threw back. "We'll find a way to get rid of you..."

"Jimin has to want that first," the demon replied. "So far... he has no interest in letting go of the power I can give him. And if he tries..."

The demon took a step back.

"...I'll kill him," he finished.

As if a strong wind had blown through the den, Jimin was sent flying off his feet and into the wall behind him. You couldn't tell if the cracking sound against the wall was the stone or his bones, but you could tell that the painful cry from his lips was no longer the demon.

"Jimin!" you screamed, reaching for the key to the cell.

You unlocked the door, swinging open the door and rushing to his side as he lay curled up in pain. He slowly straightened out, sitting up against the wall. His demon smiled back at you.

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