Jimin Ending - His POV

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I crumpled the paper again, throwing it to the side of the Judges' room with the others.

Words weren't enough. No matter how much I tried to apologize or explain–

"Not skilled in the art of love letters, are you?"

I turned to see Jungkook unrolling my crumpled pages, reading them with his nose scrunched in amusement. I stood and snatched the paper from his hands.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" I scolded. "You're not even healed --"

"I can't stare at the ceiling forever," he replied. "Besides, I'm fine. There's no damage."

He tapped on his side for emphasis. He then winced in regret but shook his head as if he was just teasing. I knew he wasn't.

"How's training?" he asked, changing subjects.

"Brutal." I sat back in my chair, leaning my head against it. "But I deserve it."

He shrugged. "Maybe. But you deserve some credit, too. You'd be dead if you were completely evil, right? The paintings on your ribs indicate you're not a total loser."

My lip twitched. "Thanks."

He paused, tapping his fingers against the desk.

"Perhaps we both got the karma we deserved..." he said. "...and the mercy we didn't."

I raised an eyebrow. He caught my eye and cleared his throat.

"Don't get used to great insights like that," he said.

"I wasn't."

I sighed, putting elbows on the desk and my head in my hands.

"You know," Jungkook said, "a woman much prefers an apology in person."

I laughed behind my hands. "An apology couldn't cover it."

"Maybe, maybe not. You never know unless you try."

I picked up the pen and tapped it against the paper, the ink making incoherent splotches across the page.

"Besides, you want to see her again," he said, "don't you?"

I swallowed, avoiding his gaze. "Does it matter?"

"It would to her."

I met his eyes and turned away when I saw the seriousness in them. I sighed, not answering.

"In other news, Seokjin hired me for a job," he continued, filling the silence. "I leave in about a week. Maybe you should come back with me. See Mom and Dad... maybe a few other people worth seeing."

He lingered for a moment, waiting for my answer. I nodded, but I wasn't sure if it was simply in acknowledgment or in agreement.

He smirked as if he had won a game of cards.

"You'll have enough time to think of your apologies on the ship," he said as he started to walk out the door. "But if you ask me, you won't be needing them."


"This is it?" I asked.

Jungkook nodded, walking up to the door with me. He was the only one of us who knew where Y/N lived, and he had offered - or, I should say, forced - his escort to her house. I had to keep wiping my sweaty palms against my coat, hoping it would help them from shaking.

"It's late," I commented. "Maybe we should come back tomorrow --"

"It took us over a month to get here," he said. "Don't you think you've made her wait long enough?"

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