Chapter 7 - Lessons

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Jimin towered atop the stairs. His shadow poured down them as he stepped into the room, one slow step at a time. Once he reached the bottom, he gave you a quick glance, then turned back to his subordinate. His eyes narrowed.

“Perhaps I wasn’t clear when I told you that I only allow men of honor on this ship,” Jimin said, his eyes black in anger even though his voice was even. “Do I need to remind you of my rules?”

The man shook his head, still on his knee, not daring to look up. “No, sir.”

“Then I suggest you keep your sinful hands to yourself before I cut them off as a reminder.” He raised an apathetic eyebrow. “Don’t expect any compensation for it, either.”

The man curled his fingers at his sides. As he did, you realized he was missing his middle and ring finger. 

“Get up,” Jimin commanded. “If I see you within five feet of this woman, I’ll be putting you to work with nothing but your right hand.”

The man gave a nod and stumbled to his feet, racing back up the stairs. Jimin’s eyes followed him, then slid back to you. You were still against the wall, processing everything that had just happened. 

Jimin had a casual air about him as he walked towards you, and his soft energy made your shoulders relax. It wasn’t that he was warm or comforting by any means, but somehow, you felt a reassurance that he meant you no harm. 

He stepped in front of you, looking over your damp hair and soiled dress. You hated that he was seeing you this way. You hated that anyone was seeing you this way.

“Your brother poured beer on me,” you said quietly, answering his unspoken question.

Jimin gave a short sigh. “Sounds like something the idiot would do.”

He looked you over again, as if he was trying to solve some kind of mystery other than why you looked so disheveled. He could at least have waited to stare when you were properly groomed and dressed -- 

“You can’t fight, can you?” he asked suddenly.

You laughed at the question. “What kind of question is that? You could at least have asked me if I was alright or if I --” 

He suddenly put a hand at your throat, shoving you against the wall. You froze, stunned. 

He dropped his hand.

“Not even a reaction,” he muttered. “How inconvenient.”

He put his hands in his pockets, chewing his lip. 

“Inconvenient!” you threw back. “Being kidnapped is inconvenient enough! If you wanted me to meet some requirements, you should have thought about that before--”

He held up a hand. “Your mouth runs, but your brain doesn’t. You’re on a ship full of men who are looking for ways to satisfy their greed, selfishness, and empty pockets. Do you think you can survive this place on your words alone?”

You shut your mouth tight, narrowing your eyes at him. 

He pressed his lips together, nodding to himself. “After dinner.”


“Come to my room after dinner,” he said. “I’m going to teach you how to use something sharper than that tongue of yours.”


You went to Jimin after dinner. 

You weren’t going to. You didn’t want to see his face anymore than he wanted to see yours. But the one face you especially didn’t want to see was Jungkook’s. He wouldn’t apologize for his actions, and he would probably torture you more. 

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